If you want to PM me your email address, I will send you a folder full of files you can go by. Someone sent it to me and it is still n my desk top. I usually keep Veronika's general designs in a folder that says Veronika's Cute designs. Of course, I take the alpha and file them different and the XXX different and the seasonal ones in the right Season Folder. My desktop is in a mees and that it why I still have the folder of files sitting where I can find them as soon as I can find the time.... Linda Flanders msbebe95@yahoo.com
I am leaving as soon as my son gets here to go home for a visit. I have not seen my family and friends in a couple of years and ready to GO! I will be back late tonight. Will send them as soon as I can but it may be tomorrow, that is if you want to take a look at them.
I have all of my Cute designs in a folder named 'Cute designs' Then there are many subfolders under that, incliding 'Amazing Designs, Youembroisery and Designs by Cuties. The also have subfolders. Start off using Miss Veronika's list os Alphabets, redwork, etc. As your file grows you will ad more folders. Each of us has our own system that works for us. When I stated downloading I stated at the very last page and worked my way forward so I knew when I got to the newest design I hadn't missed any design that I wanted. Have fun. Now you can watch your garden and your designs files grow.
Congratulations on your membership and happy downloading. You have received already some good advice. I also organize them in different folders named by categories.
Enjoy your membership - have not clue yet to organsing files - mine are all stuck in "Free Designs", FSL, Free Religious and Religious. I want to sort them all out and load them onto Usb - what happens if your computer crashes!!
Everyone saves the designs differently. What I do is create a folder like Puppies,rename the design. then I put all Dogs or puppies in the folder. I have a flower folder etc! Then I printed out each folder and now I have a catolog that I look thru and bamn! I have my design! Good luck! Dawn
I have a lot of different folders...flowers, Christmas, dogs and cats, etc. This way works for me as I can go directly to the subject I am looking for. I can not remember what designer did what, so I don't think that would work for me.