by marleymoo 28 Nov 2010

straightforward instructions, which I must admit is appealing to me!

Just wondering if you use PE Design Lite, how do you find it? ANy pros or cons?
Hugs and * to all!


by marleymoo 29 Nov 2010

Thanks for all the advice Cuties! Im so confused as to what to get!!! * 4 u all!

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Nov 2010

AS with all machines there are digitising groups on the internet. The books that go with the softwear is not readable for the way I learn. Does where you bought your machine have sewing classes that offer digitising? I have had my PE design for about 5 years and it is a find out as need for me as the day job takes up a lot of time. One day when there is time I will apply my self to getting to grips better with making up my designs. I do use my softwear for increase/decreasing designs and for putting cards together for special occassions and the ring cushions I make when time permits. Like a computer we only use a small amount of its capabilities PE design offers a vast amount of uses

by keeponsewing 28 Nov 2010

My daughter uses the PEDesignV5 and I tried it. I thought it was just as confusing as Sophia, which is a free digiting software. I guess I'm not cut out to digitize. I do eventually want to get into it, but I'm still in the DUH stages. hehehe....DH just bought me the PED reader and I thought it was worthless, cause it does pretty much what the Pulse Ambassador does for me, which is show the designs. But now that I've used it more I'm learning to re-size (only 10-20% is what it allows), but I guess the one thing I've started liking about it is that I don't have to plug my machine up to the computer, I can use the card to d/l what I want stitched and let it go...I'm sure there are some out there that can give you a better insight on the pros and cons. Hug,s Terre

by marleymoo 28 Nov 2010

Thanks Asterixsew, will go straight to ebay now! Hoping to see more replies here to, as the people answering will have first hand experience! Thanks Again!

by asterixsew Moderator 28 Nov 2010

I have PE 5. I think from comments I have read here and about that PE lite is quite limited in its use. I use my PE a little as I dont have much time. Digitising is time consuming and the skills need to be practised regularly. If you look about on ebay you should be able to pick a PE Design set up chaeper than the sewing shops. I look forward to reading others replie