My 6 year old grandson once changed the size of the font because he wanted it smaller and I did not know how to change it back! I had to call him and he showed me that on the right side of the screen at the bottom there is a +100% sign where he clicked and changed it! I was disgusted, he knew more than I did. LOL
Alice to the rescue! The other day a friend was saying on Facebook that suddenly their type was smaller so I told her to hold control and press the + sign and she thought I was a genius, lol!
See if there is a tab at the top of the e-mail that says "View". From there you should be able to select the text size that suits you. I have windows Outlook Express - maybe the same applies to most e-mail settings. I hope this helps. Coral
try hitting control - (minus) on your keyboard together. if that does not help then you may need to change the settings in your browser or control panel. I will check back later to see if you have fixed it. I need to refresh my memory with those other things. which web browser are you using?
Alice that is the easiest way. If I could only remember that the next time I need it.