I made some shopping bags for men recently, as thankyou gifts. They were the type that fold up with a velcro wrap. One had a golf design with a saying about it being called golf as all of the other 4-letter words were taken. Another was 'My goal is to live forever. So far, so good!' :)
Thanks for the ideas. That is why I asked you cuties. You always come up with great ideas. Keep those ideas coming they are apprecited. Suznne
You could make him a gold towel - one that he puts on his golf bag - it could have anything that you know he likes or a golf design. It is hard to know what to give a man - if you don't know what they like.
How about a towel with Cedric, Sydney or Eric on it.
This might depend on where you live but how about a fleece cap and maybe some of those mittens with the fingers open.Either make them or purchased. You could do a small design on either. Good luck with other ideas!