You are an excellent example of the type of people on the this site. Looks like someone figured out who needed the design. A special flower for you.
It was Meganne who asked for this. Thanks for helping her. Sandra Qld Australia.
That was nice of you to remember definately. I just read your profile actually! I am quite new to this too but love it had my machine for 2 years now. I care for my severly disabled son at home, run a home office look out for my elderly neighbors & write & sew ect.. nice to meet you. A flkower for your kindness
You either have a good memory, knew the person or did some research through back questions. A flower for your thoughtfulness.
Thank you..I did read over the old posts..I do that often because some people are looking for stuff, then yes I did research it a little..was
It wasn't me either....But a flower to you for your kindness and GOOD memory.
I remember looking for this but don.t remember who it was but you are nice to help them.
Nor me, and can't remember who it was, thanks anyway lr, a flower for your thoughtfulness.