by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

minus the fruitcake, of course. I personalied the outside with the year I started it. Is it just something in my family or do you have one?


by gerryvb 19 Dec 2010

Yes I have , mine is a wooden box which belonged a lifetime ago,to my mother-in-law.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

That is so sweet that you have your mother-in-law's button box... I loved my mother-in-law so much - I wish I had hers!!*

sewdoctor by sewdoctor 23 Dec 2010

I wish I still had my mother-in-law also. She was a gem, and I miss her everyday!

by momabear 19 Dec 2010

I have a button jar , also I have my momma's button jar with her buttons she had. As a kid I love to look at them

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

How wonderful that you have your mother's button jar!! I wish I had mine! I loved looking at my Mom's and Aunt's button box too!!*

by airyfairy 19 Dec 2010

What a great question. I used to have my grandmother's
button box but it got too small with all my extra buttons. Some years ago a friend made me a beautiful decoupage box which I now use for buttons.

sewdeb by sewdeb 19 Dec 2010

What a wonderful friend.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

What a special friend to do that for you!*

by motownmarie 18 Dec 2010

nice topic I enjoyed reading each one. I have an old wooden cigar box that was my mothers button box before it was mine. It doesn't look like any traditional cigar box I ever saw, it is much more furniture-like. She only sewed one on when she had to do so.

I finally outgrew it and sorted my buttons into one of those multi section holders that spins around.

but I kept the box, it came from my great uncle's cigars.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

I enjoyed this too - makes us feel even more connected cause of our memories to these special boxes (or jars or tins or whatever!)* Great idea on organizing!

by blueeyedblonde 18 Dec 2010

I had a button tin. My Mom made one up for me when I got married 40+ yrs. ago.It was an oblong one. Can't remember what was originally in it as I needed something bigger a long time ago. I also took buttons off of clothes and still do. When my kids were small I was given boxes of clothes and I cut out the seams, cut off buttons, and zipers for reuse. I still do all that! It all comes in handy for one thing or another.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

You sound like so many of us - we reuse these things too! It is great that your Mom made you one when you got married - how sweet!!*

by lique 18 Dec 2010

I have an old wooden box which my father made in his first woodwork class, so it is very special to me.

sewdeb by sewdeb 19 Dec 2010

Oh how great to have such an heirloom!

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

That is such a sweet story - how lucky you are to have that special wooden box!!*

by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

Yep, I had a button box~ a cookie tin actually. My mom had a button tin. And my grandmother had a button mason jar ( the old fashion type with the wire bail). I remember just spending hours sifting through that treasure trove as a child. I now keep my buttons, sorted by color in jars on an old spice rack in my sewing room ~ handy and pretty.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

Wow - what a tradition in your family - most all of us have had similar experiences!*

by susankay 14 Dec 2010

I have a button box and my mother had a button box that my daughter has taken over. My 7 year old granddaughter loves to dig through mine.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

Buttons appeal to just about everyone!*

by margiepink 14 Dec 2010

Oh but yes I do, have 2 photo boxes of buttons filled to the brim, starting with the 1920's until current. Been digging through looking for the large buttoms from the old coats and now using them as closures on tote bags - these are one of a kind buttons. Every time I see a button display I look and almost always buy with a project in mind several years down the road. The cutest ones are the animals and fruits. Purchase some clear plastic bags that are about 3 x 5 and sort all of the buttons out, took me almost a week working from the dining room table. Now when searching for something I look at the bags and instantly can tell how many of that kind I have and size.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

It must have been a job - but one that sweet one!!*

sewdeb by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

A week well spent, I'd say. What fun!

by marleymoo 14 Dec 2010

I have a beautiful wooden box I got in Cuba a few years ago that is now my ButtonBox!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

Sounds like a wonderful button box!!*

by jjjj 14 Dec 2010

I too have a button box. It not only holds all sorts of buttons but memories too. There's a button from my daughters first coat, a button from a childhood cardigan of mine and many more. I take a lot of time and effort to find 'just' the right botton for any project as, I feel, a botton can make or mar the finished article.

Just off to look at my memory chest of butons!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

Buttons do carry memories!!*

by anangel 14 Dec 2010

Amazing! I thought I was the only one who enjoys buttons! LOL I have always enjoyed looking at unusual shapes, colors, and designs of buttons from early childhood. I inherited some amongst my mother's sewing items, as well, as my mother-in-law's, but my greatest variety and unique buttons came from an old "turn of the century" laundry, which was being remodeled. When the huge antiquated dryers were moved, I was in awe of the piles of old buttons underneath, and asked to be allowed to sweep them up to save. There were buttons that had been lost from civil war uniforms, glass buttons, metal, and wooden buttons. As someone said, they all have a story, and I want to one day arrange them for display. I enjoy looking at each and wondering about its "story"!

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

I think we all enjoy buttons!!*

marleymoo by marleymoo 14 Dec 2010

Wow thats a great story in itself!

susankay by susankay 14 Dec 2010

What a treasure.

sewdeb by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

Oh what a wonderful find! Lucky you!

by sdrise 14 Dec 2010

I have a huge gallon jar and tin full of buttons. I used to run my fingers through my grandmothers tin like it was gold going through my fingers. I got that tin when she died and then I collected buttons wherever I went.The goodwill stores used to have buttons on the counter tied in small bundles and I would go through that too and buy them for 5 cents a bunch. I have all sorts of old buttons like real shell button mother of pearl etc.... I even make jewerly with some of them. They are so pretty in the jar. I love looking at them. Just think how expensive buttons are now and how many you have. They are a treasure Suzanne

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

You are so right - buttons are a treasure!*

by anitapatch 14 Dec 2010

Hi. Wrote to you here yesterday about the box. I must add. I have still two buttons from my grandmother. Did like them very much, one is with flowers, think it is handpainted, and the other one is with plated stripes. Got them -58, still remember asking if I could have them. And now they are part of my "collection"

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

I bet that she was thrilled that you wanted them!! What a sweet story!*

anitapatch by anitapatch 14 Dec 2010

Yes. And I can tell more about the buttons. My daughter born in -79. When I was sawing, think she was 2 years old, she was playing with the buttons on the floor. She had a lot of fantasy, and still has, she played that the buttons were children, friends to her. She could take a handfull and through them over a corner in the room and always talking. She said "they went that way and the other went that way. She had toys, but she loved the buttons, could play for an hour. Love Anita

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

How sweet!!

by spendlove Moderator 14 Dec 2010

I inherited one from Mike's grandmother but it caused all sorts of strife because he is allergic to buttons! The sight of them makes him feel sick and he can't bear to touch them. The sound of them rattling in a tin was devastating. Apparently this problem is not particularly rare.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

I have never heard of that. Poor guy, that isn't any fun at all!!*

by stidiford58 14 Dec 2010

I have a button basket sorted into colours & type all in little sample bags. Its so much easier when I need to find a number of buttons the same for a project. Have been collecting buttons for years. An addiction the same as material for quilting, crochet cotton for crocheting & embroidery designs for my embroidery. I enjoy it!

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

So, yours are sorted!! Cool! I think we all have a material stash also!!*

sewdeb by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

LOL can you ever have too many buttons? Or too much fabric, thread, designs, the list goes on.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 19 Dec 2010

This is so cute!!*

by muflotex 14 Dec 2010

Nice to read all this his-stories.
Mine are in tall glas hotdog glasses, sorted my colour groups, yellow to red, blue to green, natural to brown and metall to bling and one very special with the mother of perl buttons. I got a lot fom my grandma too ;o) and use them as a deco element in my sewing room. Sorting them from the cookie tin into the glases was family fun. Jumping buttons.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

Hotdog glasses? What do these look like? Can you post a picture? I love the idea of decorating with them!!*

by comocosews 14 Dec 2010

I love buttons. It started with the ones my grandma let me string together. I let my kids do it, and hope to do so with my grandson. I love putting them in the metal tins. Some of mine I put in clear glass jar. They look so cool. I have some tins with extra fancy buttons. Or things I will make into buttons.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

I am being to think - we all started loving buttons as a child!!*

sewdeb by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

Very, it starts early, for sure.

by crafter2243 Moderator 14 Dec 2010

As a little girl I loved playing with grandmas button box. She would give me some leftover yarn and I would string matching buttons together. She had lived through the aftermath of 2 world wars and nothing useful ever was thrown away. Sadly I have no idea what happened to her collection since there was an ocean between us when she died. I now have a huge collection. I never realized how attached I am to them till I was going to mail some away and had to choose. Seems to me after reading all the posts that there are a lot of tin cans and cookie jars full of buttons around.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 14 Dec 2010

Seems as though a lot of us save our buttons, especially cherishing the old ones! Another thing that ties us together!*

by emily16838 13 Dec 2010

When my daughter had her first baby , I bought her a card of buttons that spelled BABY. Her second baby I gave her a card of buttons that said BOY. I thought they would sit in her sewing basket and reminder her of that very special time. I think she gave them back to me...not getting it. Smile You can only try! :-)

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Well, everyone has their own thing, I guess - I think it was a wonderful thing to do! Keep them with your buttons!!*

by designcrazy 13 Dec 2010

I also have buttons is a fruitcake tin. I didn't think to date it years ago when I started it. I'm sure my daughter will not want it when I'm gone.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Perhaps she will. Put a little sweet note in it to her. One day give it to her and it will be a treasure for her.*

by nanniesara 13 Dec 2010

I don't have a button tin, I have lots of loose buttons in empty plastic Peanut Butter jars. I also have a lot of buttons on cards that are stuffed around everywhere. I think I need to start a button tin. Gee I know I have an empty tin or two around so I think that I might just have to paint something on one and have a fancy Button Tin. Thanks for the idea ladies.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Oh, do start a button-tin and put the date on it!!*

by simplyrosie 13 Dec 2010

Oh yes... my button tin belonged to my great GM. Some of the buttons I have are from the 1800s. I've added to it and now am working on filling up my 2nd big tin.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Oh, my your Great GrandMother!! How wonderful!*

by shirlener88 13 Dec 2010

My Mother had one - from when we were kids - that I remember organizing and playing with often. I believe she gave it to me - once - then I gave it to my older sister - who told me - it should have been hers and not mine - so she has that - I have had several over the years - but after moving across the US and then back - we downsized both times - those are items that I left behind somewhere.

However, today - I went to Wal-mart and I noticed that they had some great little tins with M&M's and some other candies in them - not big - but a good size tin - so I picked up a couple for the grands - I will be telling them - that I would like the tins - if they don't - I want to put some fabric on the outside of them and make them nice - I might even make the top a pin cushion. Hehehe!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

What a great idea!!! Put the date on it too! Funny, how kids love to play with buttons!!

by ninalei 13 Dec 2010

The one I have is a mason jar with my grandmother's and my husband's grandmothers buttons - many are actual ivory. Some really lovely things in it. I used some of the buttons to decorate the teacup pincushion that I made for my granddaughter and told her the history of the buttons.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Ivory buttons - how wonderful! That was a wonderful thing to do for your granddaughter!!*

getEdited - SELECT
by almag 13 Dec 2010

Dare I admit to yet another addiction???

I have lots of buttons - many of them sorted into little round craft containers that screw together and kept in a wooden pink box with a slide-off lid made by my stepfather many years ago for my mother, many of them in glass jars that decorate my sewing room, many of them in special Christmas tins, many of them in a tissue-box that has the lid glued down inside to make another little button holder.

I have found some wonderful little treasures among Mum's buttons, one in particular is a little black shoe button that has a scene of a gum tree and a little bush shack house on it. You'd need a magnifying glass to see the engraved picture but it's there nevertheless.

Old buttons tell such lovely stories.

If you have any spare buttons I gather them but I'm not a Button Collector.... I just love to see the old buttons, hold them and imagine the places they've been and the clothing they've graced.
Thank you for this lovely walk back in memory.


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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

You are sooo right! Old buttons do tell such lovely stories! I like the idea of putting them in glass jars for decorations - great idea!!*

by noah 13 Dec 2010

I have my grandmothers & my mothers .My moms are in an old daily mail tobaco can & Grandmothers are in c/mas & cookie tins .My own are in peanut butter Jars that are in a bear form(from a few years ago )Its funny when i was small well young we would sit beside grandmother & put buttons on a very thin elastic.I still some of them LOl carolyn

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Buttons on thin elastic ... for bracelets or necklaces? How sweet!*

by read180 13 Dec 2010

Button button who has the button. I think I have the button. O yes I have lots of buttons. My mom had a wooden small barrel that held buttons we got to play with. We also cut off buttons from old clothes, then the cotton clothes were used for cleaning rags. I have several little boxes of buttons along with my moms little barrel.
Cindy B.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

A button barrel - how sweeet!!*

by nama2 13 Dec 2010

My "button box" is an old cookie tin-minus the cookies.My mother-in-law passed this past summer and since no one else wanted it, I took it and dumped mine with hers. In fact, I was sifting through it today, just trying to find the right button. Someday hopefully one of my granddaughters will want to sew and all of those wonderful buttons will be theirs!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

You should definitely give it to one of your granddaughters one day - I bet she would be pleased!!*

by dlonnahawkins 13 Dec 2010

I think we all some sort of button box - and I remember going through the old buttons when I was small. My kids did the same thing. I probably have a couple of them started around here, and one too is an old fruit cake tin from years ago. I have them put up somewhere - need to dig them out. LOL

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

I think we all need to dig our out and look through them!!*

by vickiannette 13 Dec 2010

thanks to a lovely lady called Sue in Albury-Wodonga and her band of Church Op-shop ladies I have thousands of buttons. They would cut them off the garments that were to be sold as dusters/garage rags.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Thousands! Wow!!*

by sewdoctor 13 Dec 2010

I have four of them! Like you they are in fruitcake and cookie tins. I like to save buttons from worn clothing.....and that extra one on the card, or when you buy an item that an extra one is provided.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Four of them - cool!!!*

by designgirl 13 Dec 2010

I have a button jar that I got from my Grandmother. It is a real treasure to me.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Oh, I am sure it is! They are a look into the past!!*

by mad14kt 13 Dec 2010

I still have my mother's button/sewing tin can box and one was my grand aunt. Now to find them, that is the question. Since I sew all the time, I keep my buttons in a see thru plastic containers to help me find what I looking for...FIESTA ;D *2U

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Oh, you need to find them! What a treasure!!*

by capoodle 13 Dec 2010

My mom gave me her button box and one year for her birthday I took many of her buttons and covered a picture frame with them and added a vintage picture of her family. She cried and was very honored I would have done that for her.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Oh, I love that idea - of covering a frame with buttons - no wonder she loved it!!!*

by leenova54 13 Dec 2010

My mother still has her cookie tin and she doesn't even sew! I have many less buttons but mine are in a plastic organizer with same colors together. I think it is the only thing in this house that is organized!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Good for you!!*

by greysewist Moderator 13 Dec 2010

I have a clear one -it's meant to be a cosmetics case. It's great for buttons, coz I can turn it over and see through the sides where to start looking for the right colour.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

I guess most of us do have a button box of some sort!*

by smithandsmith 13 Dec 2010

OOOOooo for sure i do, i have a old cookie tin full of buttons! I just love old buttons. I buy them at garage sales and goodwills etc. Can't have enough buttons
hugs Lee

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

There is something about old buttons!!! It is like they have character!!*

by theduchess 13 Dec 2010

I have a HUGE jar larger than 1 gallon size. I made a pincushion top for it.My buttons are from all over the world. Some are over 100 years old.I made a button necklace that I wear to The Houston Quilt Show it's very pretty.As to the fruitcake I make some and it's very good. I only give it to folks who write and ask me for a small cake. So NO fruitcake jokes at my house.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

I love the idea of a pincushion top - that is cool!!*

by moyed 13 Dec 2010

I have a big jar for my buttons, but love to collect more than I need. lol

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

You can see the buttons using a jar!

by daisy530 13 Dec 2010

I have your old fruitcake, I think :)

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Hahahahahahaha! This cracks me up!! You must, I certainly don't have it!!!!

by debleerl 13 Dec 2010

Yes, I have one it's an old candy tin. My mother and grandmother had them too. Mine resides in a drawer that is also full of buttons still on the cards. I also, let each of my grandaughters create their own button box selecting favorites from my supply.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

How sweet - you are continuing the tradition!!

by cclark 13 Dec 2010

Mine is an old fruit cake tin also. I have buttons older that I am in it. Now days when you buy a garment you get extra buttons. They have to go somewhere.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

I guess if you do any stitching - one must have a button box!

by fannyfurkin 13 Dec 2010

I just use a sewing box for my buttons, but I am in the habit of keeping buttons, when I was little my mum used to get us to take the buttons and zippers of old clothes before they were thrown away. So I guess I have been raised to believe you don't throw buttons away.

dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

My Mom taught me the same thing. If a piece of clothing is not good enough to give away - I take off buttons too!!

sewdeb by sewdeb 18 Dec 2010

My mother must have gone to the same "mom school" as yours! LOL I still clip the buttons off of clothes that aren't good enough to donate to Good Will

by sammysue 13 Dec 2010



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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

It sure is cool!! What a great use of the gift of a fruitcake!!!

by free3wil 13 Dec 2010

I have one it is an old plastic sewing case, amber in color, does anyone remember those? Hard plastic has a couple of "shelves" that when placed inside hold thread, etc. I have both my grandmother's buttons and my mother's buttons in it. Usually when I need just one or two buttons, I can find what I need, but, if I need more than one, well I might find more than 2 but it takes forever! Still love it!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

When you go in it - don't you just have to take a second and look around a little and reminise?*

by sewmom 13 Dec 2010

Yes. I recently organized them by color using a box for hardware(drawers for screws, nuts and bolts.)Some are mine from ages ago and some are inherited. I do use them when I can.
When the kids were little we went through a button bracelet and necklace faze. That was fun.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Do you remember the game - "Button - Button, Who Has the Button?". I played that as a child!!

by beatie58 13 Dec 2010

I have a square biscuit tin with all my daughter has a round tupperware container...Hugs Sally

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

Seems like they are still popular!!!

by anitapatch 13 Dec 2010

Yes I have also one. It is a tin box, blue with flowers. My grandmother had it from the beginning, also for her buttons. She died in -81, 91 years old and I have it with my buttons on the floor to hold up the door.

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

So, it was your Grandmothers? How wonderful!!*

by honeychyle 13 Dec 2010

My Mother had what she called her "button can". A Round container that once held cigars or candy or something like that. I have carried on the tradition. I have a can that is at least 50 yrs. old and full of all kinds of buttons! All loose buttons go in there just in case someday I might need one like it to replace one that got broken or lost!

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

It is a sweet tradition!

by loris 13 Dec 2010

I have had one for over 50 years, and inherited my mothers buttons, some of which are older than that. Loris

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dailylaundry by dailylaundry 13 Dec 2010

I just think that is so sweet! My daughter was thrilled with hers (I included a few of my buttons to start her off). Just thinking about it makes me miss my Mom!