getEdited - SELECT
by ddoersch 21 Feb 2008

This was done for a school project. When I was studying for my degree in psychology we were to bring something to class that was representative of us. I chose to make this, as Quilting and sewing are a passion for me and the colors, pictures and themes in the piece represented parts of my life. The cross-stitch butterfly, D monogram, redwork woman and lilac are all machine embroidery. This piece is also framed it is about 16 x 20. Someday I want to take it out of the frame add more embellishment and make it into a hanging quilt.


by ruthie 22 Feb 2008

Very lovely, ddoersch, please post your project when you've made it into a hanging quilt, I want to see that!

by jrob Moderator 21 Feb 2008

stunning. ;)

by sandralochran 21 Feb 2008

Love your ideal and well done .You have reminded me of the days during my nursing training .I did a lot of Hand Embroidery (table cloths etc. Gee I must take photo of them and put onto the C.p.)

by clawton 21 Feb 2008

What a wonderful way to describe yourself. I like mops's idea. You could do a wall grouping of various stages of your life.

by mops Moderator 21 Feb 2008

Interesting and beautiful piece of work, would you really embellish it further? Maybe making a second one representing you at this time would make a wonderful companion. I like your crazy quilts! Flower for you.

1 comment
ddoersch by ddoersch 23 Feb 2008

Well I did this in kind of a hurry because I wanted to have it done for the class. So not all of the seams are embellished, that is one thing, and I probably would add more decorative stitches, silk ribbon work, etc... whatever come to mind.

by shirlener88 21 Feb 2008

It is lovely - great work and I am sure when you do the extra work and make it a hanging quilt you will be as equally proud as you are now. Here is a flower for you. Shirlene

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 21 Feb 2008

Here is a flower for you all.

by sand 21 Feb 2008

Wonderful piece of work, so personal. I am sitting here trying to "see" you.