by amazinggrace 23 Dec 2010

those whose designs I have downloaded and used in my projects. Without your generosity I would not have been able to produce so many georgeous gifts this Christmas. I wish you all, wherever you may be, a very Happy Christmas and a Peaceful and Healthy 2011 - with time to do all your sewing projects!


by pennifold 23 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas to you too Grace love Chris

by 02kar Moderator 23 Dec 2010

I have also finished and am so happy. I also am grateful to all of our digitizers.

by sewdeb 23 Dec 2010

Congrats on finishing (with time to spare!) And thanks for the good wishes and a very merry Christmas and a very happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

by ramona 23 Dec 2010

Thank you thank you and right back at you. Glad you were able to finish up all your projects. I'm sure all your efforts and gifts will be greatly appreciated. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

by mad14kt 23 Dec 2010

I need to finish mines for the year...YUCK! I don't want to leave any UFO's behind...FIESTA ;D *2U

by shirlener88 23 Dec 2010

Grace, how thoughtful - Merry Christmas to you and yours and keep on stitching and sharing your projects with us all. *4U