by manami 24 Dec 2010

Dear Cute Family,

I wish you and your family a blessed Christmas!
Love and hugs,Yoriko


by pennifold 25 Dec 2010

Ditto Yoriko love Chris

by alex71 25 Dec 2010

Wishing you and and your family a Very Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year.*

by cathiejones 25 Dec 2010

Yoriko,I wish you a merry christmas.
Love and Kisses. Cathie J.

by marietta 25 Dec 2010

Hello Yoriko, and the same to you. So glad to see a message from you, and hope you are keeping wonderfully well. Wishing you a wonderfull new year, may all you troubles be little ones or none at all.
Warm hugs and God bless

by sissibrode 25 Dec 2010

Merry Xmas to you and yours Yoriko !!!
Hugs and love

by lindaavolio 25 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas Yoriko....hope you are feeling better and continue to improve. Hugs

by sewlikedawn 25 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas to you!

by eyeztodiefor10 25 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas Yoriko! May the new year bring improved health and the best of everything for you and your family.

by auntbaba 24 Dec 2010

Merry Christmas Yoriko! I wish the same for you!...Barb

by asterixsew Moderator 24 Dec 2010

Thanks Yoriko and a Happy Christmas to you too

by kttyhwk4 24 Dec 2010

Dear Yoriko, thank you for all that you do for us. Sending you and your family a very blessed Christmas. Hugs, Karen

by holly12 24 Dec 2010

May you & your family Have a very Merry & Blessed Christmas with all the trimmings. Love & Hugs Arlene

by lflanders 24 Dec 2010

5 hours until Christmas EST. I am not ready but I have done all my body will let me do. Besides, I have still got to cook a Red Velvet Cake, enough Potato Salad to feed a small army, a Watergate Salsd(if I get to it) and a huge Banana Pudding. I just got the potatoes and the eggs on to boil and I had to sit down! We are eating ham sandwiches and ???? for lunch and going to Gail's oldest daughter's for Dinner after 5:00 PM. The crowd will be at Brandi's house tomorrow night. They did not ask my opinion but they sure don't mind telling me what they want me to cook! heehee I will be up all night tonight finishing up everything. My son destroyed my Ellageo so I am having to re-learn how to sew on the older machine( Esante). The older machine has the prettiest stitch. I may have to unpack the Singer and really go back in time before we head out tomorrow evening! I hope you and your Hubby have a wonderful day tomorrow and if I don't talk to you again befor the 1st, a Happy New year also! Take good care of yourself and remember that we love you and miss you like crazy! I am so glad that you are doing better and even going to school. Be sure and tell your son that we are proud of him and proud FOR him also. I am glad to hear he has a foster family to help him. I know he misses you! Hugs and blessings, Linda

by dailylaundry 24 Dec 2010

Yoriko, dear friend, Merry Christmas, from Michigan!!! Hugs, Laura*

by kalinelson 24 Dec 2010

Thanks so much....may you have a great Christmas and may the new year bring you good health and Gods blessings.

by marleymoo 24 Dec 2010

Christmas Blessings to you to Yoriko

by noah 24 Dec 2010

Thanks & Gods blessings on you &yours big hugs from carolyn

by dilceia 24 Dec 2010

Minha querida e amada amiga, Feliz Natal! Que a paz reine em seu coraçãozinho bondoso e amigo. Que Deus esteja do teu lado nesta noite tão especial.Receba o meu abraço fraterno de natal. beijos

by greysewist Moderator 24 Dec 2010

Thankyou Yoriko, and also thanks for all of the great designs you provide for us all year. Hope you are in touch with your son over Christmas and are able to find enjoyment in everything you do.

by gerryvb 24 Dec 2010

dear Yoriko merry, happy and blessed Christmasdays to you too, with love G.