by fannyfurkin 27 Dec 2010

Christmas day was amazing, I had all of my kids at my house for the first time in many years. My 2 beautiful granddaughters make me so proud. It was a blessed day indeed. The gifts were wonderful but the gathering of family was the most fun part of all.

Then on boxing day, (the day after Christmas for the US Cutes) we always do the extended family. My mum and dad and my sister and seven brothers and all of their kids get together. My family is kind of interesting, there are the die-hard drinkers, which I must admit I am one, I do like a drink, then there are the tea –totals. So we take turns at hosting boxing day. And my brother decided it was his turn, he does not drink and does not really approve of alcohol, so he hosted it in a police citizens youth club. Great no problem for most of us, we just want to see our family, and I won’t even get into the “Selfish Santa “ game we play. But to my disappointment, two of my brothers made very lame excuses about why they could not be there, it was very obvious that it was because they could not drink. So most of us made our way up the coast to Nambour, about a 2 hour drive from where I am. Not on Boxing day 2010. There was a major accident on the highway that day. We were stuck in traffic for 4 hours. Some of my family who had children in the car or were going to run of petrol (gas) just had to turn back and go home. Rick and I persevered and we got there. I was so glad we did, because my brother was so pleased to see us. I am still annoyed with the family members who could not be bothered because they could not drink. I am laughing to myself though because we are seriously considering making our Boxing day get together a non drinking event from now on. Hehehe.


by beatie58 28 Dec 2010

Gosh I heard about the accident as my friend was driving back from Caloundra and got stuck in the traffic, really sad as an elderly gentleman died as a result of this traffic accident...Hope you all had a good day anyway regardless...Hugs Sally

by greysewist Moderator 27 Dec 2010

Sorry it was such a trial to get to your event on Boxing Day, Alice, but glad to hear it was enjoyed. I tend to think drinking alcohol often gets in the way of others enjoyment, too. Without even mentioning the road toll of injuries and worse. Pity some don't know when to stop, but it's not good for our kids and GKs to think expected behaviour has to involve drinking to have a good time, either. Those who didn't attend for whatever the reason are those who missed out. I, personally, can be just as silly on coffee, as it takes others to get on booze :)

by capoodle 27 Dec 2010

Drinking can get in the way of good old fashioned gatherings and ruin the event. Your idea of a not drinking event is probably best since there are many children in your family now that don't need to see adults mess up what is meant to be a happy time for them. It is good your Christmas was pleasant.

by shirlener88 27 Dec 2010

I hope that you and the family are able to gather together - no matter what happens in the future.

by asterixsew Moderator 27 Dec 2010

An interesting day Alice and one that will go down in your family history. I was brought up in a home that always had lots of alcohol but it was rarely drunk. I also remember cigarettes in boxes of 200 that were not smoked... ah family memories

by caroldann 27 Dec 2010

Ahh, family! Doncha just love em? My brothers would love to drink, eat, drink some more and the next thing you know the name calling and fighting would start. I tried to do a non drinking Thanksgiving about 20 years ago. Hahaha. Older brother was missing, I thought he went riding the horses with the kids, nope, found him in the garage with a beer and cigar. Too funny! I do not drink any more but sure do understand those that do. I'm glad you and Rick went and hopefully had a good time. lol. Carol

by 02kar Moderator 27 Dec 2010

I am glad that those who made had such a good time. I admit that I do not drink but understand those who enjoy having a drink. Those who did not go for whatever reason certainly missed out on a good time and a great reunion. I would love to be able to spend more time with my family. Whether the party is with or without alcohol I would be there.