by 02kar Moderator 27 Dec 2010

As he was preaching a member walked up the aisle and began pounding on the table. Rob turned to find the plastic wreath had been set on fire by the candles. He calmly stopped preaching and walked over to help put out the fire and continued on and finished the sermon. His only comment was to say, "This has never happened to me before." No harm was done except to the wreath I am happy to say. But one never knows what is going to happen anywhere.


by katydid 27 Dec 2010

It shows he can handle a mishap and remain calm as not to disrupt the sermon. You have a cool man Luke!!

by elizabethak 27 Dec 2010

My goodness- I sit in the very first pew at our church as I am one of two who "man" the overhead. It would probably be me pounding!

by shirlener88 27 Dec 2010

Rob is surely a great preacher, if he can just comment on something like that and go on - it is amazing grace. *4U

by read180 27 Dec 2010

I am so glad that Rob was so calm and no one else panicked. At one of our Easter Vigil's one of the readers long hair was to close to the candle she was caring in the dark and her hair was on fire momentarily as someone walking next to her put the fire out with her hands. Neither were hurt.
Cindy B.

by capoodle 27 Dec 2010

One Christmas my son was invited as a guest to a church as they needed someone who could play brass instruments (he does strings also) and they had candle lit wreaths. One of them caught fire and a lady reached into her large purse and pulled out a bottle of water while someone else took it down. The kids kept playing even though they saw what was happening. It was just a magical moment and no one panicked. It was good that your husband stayed calm as people tend to react to what is happening.

by anangel 27 Dec 2010

Let's just say he must have been giving an inspiring message, and then everyone saw the "light" (flames)!! LOL (I couldn't resist!) I admire Rob's ability to stay calm and continue on! I believe the Lord has a "sense of humor"! He certainly has given me strength to laugh in many situations that I felt like crying!

by joann13100 27 Dec 2010

Hmmm...usually the only mishap at our church is the microphone goes out unexpectedly. But it happens every other week or so, so it's pretty normal anymore.

by gramsbear 27 Dec 2010

Karen, was he preaching Fire & Brimstone? Hope you are not offended at my reamrk. It is said in love. Because I am a very strong Believer. Hugs, Judy

by keeponsewing 27 Dec 2010

Goodness. So glad they were able to put out the fire. I know Rob was relieved too. I'm sure he enjoyed preaching locally also. Hopefully they will ask him back the wreath. LOL... I was going to say something comical, but didn't know if others would not see it as comical. LOL...