by raels011 24 Feb 2008

I would like to know how to get more hours in the day to stitch out all the freebies we find


by tmbache 25 Feb 2008

No answer here to that difficult question. we have all wondered the same thing. Guess its up to you Raels to come up with the answer for the rest of us. good luck and keep on the outlook for them extra hours a day. In the mean time flowers and hugs to all.

by marjialexa Moderator 24 Feb 2008

Oh, Raels, I don't know! My dears, this is a bigger problem than you know. I'm disabled, so I don't work outside the home. Plus (blush) I don't do much work *inside* the home. I don't have kids, although 2 dogs & 6 cats could probably qualify, since they do make work & have to be fed & groomed. I take short showers, don't wear makeup or do my hair, wear sweats most of the time, don't watch TV, and ladies, here it comes....... I STILL don't have enough time to sew!!!! Perhaps we all need to save up our pennies (or kroner, deutshmarks, euros, shekels...)and get very fast 8 head commercial machines, preferably several, ha ha ha. And pigs will start flying any day now, ha ha ha. When anyone figures out this dilemma, do let me know! Flowers & luv & big hugs to you all! Marji

shirlener88 by shirlener88 24 Feb 2008

You really need a *, I say!

clawton by clawton 24 Feb 2008

I recently retired and thought I would get a lot stitching done. It is surprising how fast the day goes. When working I got every little embroidery done. At least now get some accomplished! Oh to be young

by nglover1 24 Feb 2008

You have a good question , one I have thought about numerous times I only wish I had an answer but, until someone comes up with this answer I will keep on collecting , collecting . collecting and having a GOOD time. A flower for all of you.

by jrob Moderator 24 Feb 2008

My answer to anyone who asks me to do the impossible is, " I guess I could do that in my *spare* time....between 2 and 4 AM! ;)

by shirlener88 24 Feb 2008

raels011, there is no way to get more hours in the day to embroidery out all the freebies we find - if you don't collect any more - stitch from morning to night - every day for the rest of your life - you could not - stitch them all - then you have to also stitch out the ones that you have bought from all the designers that have given you such great designs - in the first place - it is unending - I was just looking through some designs - that I have had wanting to stitch out - for the last couple months and haven't had time to get to - but for the life of me - I still can't find the time and now you ask this - what can a person do - to catch up - just hope and pray - that you live forever and never buy or download another of those beautiful designs that you just can't live without. Hehehe! Aren't you glad you asked and I answered this? A flower for everyone.

sand by sand 24 Feb 2008

I am afraid, that you have spoken the truth. How could you :-)

shirlener88 by shirlener88 24 Feb 2008

Truth is what I was raised to tell, I am so sorry.

by letvia 24 Feb 2008

I would like to have about.... 10 more hours, that will be great, specially when you have two "little angels" like mine, that don't give me a break, so, in reality I just have a few minutes, and I don't want to skip bathing like cutipie said, I pass, jajaja. Flower for everyone, just in case, you know for the perfume...

sand by sand 24 Feb 2008

I once read in a book, that even only 15 minutes per day for sewing, ends up with something if you use your minutes on the same project every day. That calls for more selfcontrol than I have.

letvia by letvia 24 Feb 2008

Me too. Thanks. And of course, a flower for you

marjialexa by marjialexa 24 Feb 2008

Ha ha, Sand, whoever wrote that has either amazing self control (which I do *not*) or is not really a sewist. Do you seriously know anyone who sews who doesn't have several projects going at once, and at least a dozen UFO's (Un-Finished Objects) in the closet? Ha ha ha, gotta go collect designs now, Marji

sand by sand 26 Feb 2008

A wanna-be-sewist. Ahaa, I think you got a point there. It does not seem possible not to have UFO's, tons of fabric on the shelfes and so on and so on.

by cutiepie 24 Feb 2008

The only answer that I know of is one that you probably won't like. You have to give up something "less important" to you, like sleep, eating, or maybe bathing. If you do the last one, maybe nobody will want to bother you either. =] OK, I vote for skipping bathing so we can embroider more! =D

raels011 by raels011 24 Feb 2008

gee cutiepie we would smell

ruthie by ruthie 24 Feb 2008

But remember, we all have those beautiful, sweet smelling flowers, so no-one would notice if we didn't shower!!!

sand by sand 24 Feb 2008

I have another unpopular suggestion: skip the internet and tele, that would create some more time. I can't do it, but it would give me a lot of time....

raels011 by raels011 24 Feb 2008

shame on you sand for your suggestion I can't not come here HA HA

by ruthie 24 Feb 2008

Oh Raels, I really, really, really wish I knew the answer to this one - think of the money I could make, haha. If you find out, *please* let me know. Either that or if anyone knows how I can have 8 days every week (and I don't mean an extra *work* day). Wouldn't it be fantastic. A *huge* bouquet to anyone who can come up with the answer!!!