Each of you gals are the greatest. It is fun to think about being helped with our questions even as we sleep. Hugs and flowers.
Yippee, that means that the love, hugs, kisses and flowers on this site are never ending - they are eternal! Now that really is one truly beautiful thought. When you people on the *other side* of the world sleep, us *good 'ol Aussies* sneak in and give you all love, hugs, kisses and flowers, and you beautiful people do the same when we sleep. It means that no matter when someone asks a question, there's always someone here to answer. Quite often my DH and I do a spot of stargazing (other than into each other's eyes, haha!!!), and we often think about friends around the world, and wonder how they are and what they are doing. Now, since joining *Cute*, it takes me a lot longer to *wonder*!!! Love, hugs, kisses and flowers to everyone, have a beautiful day/night depending on where you are.
You are right . I catch myself getting up during the middle of the night to check on the news of my new & old friends. Thank all of you for all of the help previous & in the future. A flower for all of you.
Nice thought isn't it. We have at least two things in common, a love of embroidery and "CuteEmbroidery", and that has brought all of us together.
My dear, you aren't staying up ALL night to get to chat are you? No wonder you look sleep deprived. hahaha ;)
Oh Wow, I thought I just looked fashion deprived. Save money by not buying new cloths. That way I have more money for my cute membership. Flower and hugs.
Yes, dear one, and the love and caring that bonds us here is 'awake' 24/7 also. Isn't it just grand? I love coming here to such a wonderful place of sharing, caring & grace. Thanks for mentioning it. Marji
Marji, you are one of the ones that make this site all the things you said above. Thank You. Many hugs.
dlmds, you sure have the one right - no need for a question, here. A*4U
shirlener88, The same I said above goes for you. You both and many others have so much help to give, it is wonderful for we learners. Thank you and hugs for you [A*4U Love it.]
Thank you - I am new to this part of the communication process, but enjoy it, too. (So glad that you noticed it.)