by kalinelson 03 Jan 2011

Please pray for Justin and Hope (parents) and the rest of the family. Bella never got to go home, but her parents were able to stay with her thanks to Ronald McDonald house....thanks so much for your prayers during this tragic time.....Gods blessings Janet


by designgirl 10 Jan 2011

My thoughts and prayers go out to the parents. This is so sad.

by airyfairy 10 Jan 2011

My thoughts are with Justin and Hope and the family at this tragic time. What terribly sad news.

by lbrow 07 Jan 2011

I am so sorry for Justin & Hope, but God in His infinite wisdom knows what He is doing. Our finite minds do not understand His reasons yet He gives us the Grace to accept. I pray for peace in their hearts & comfort for them.

by memasanders 07 Jan 2011

My prayers are with them all.

by sewdoctor 06 Jan 2011

This made my heartache.....I am so sorry, no one should have to loose a baby.

by 1sewnsew 05 Jan 2011

she is with the Lord now.

by kalinelson 05 Jan 2011

I thank each one of you for your prayers....the funeral was today, little Bella was absolutely beaufiful, so tiny and delicate....again I can't thank you enough for your prayers....I wish I could give each one of you a hug....may God bless each of you.....Janet

by sdrise 05 Jan 2011

They are in my thoughts and prayers. Thank god for a place like Ronald McDonald house to help everyone in their time of struggle and stress. Suzanne

by mary51 05 Jan 2011

My prayers are for them. There is a new angel in Haven! For her parents my sincere sympathy.

by gerryvb 05 Jan 2011

It must be so hard to loose such a precious girl. Prayers for the family hope they can accept God's decision to have another sweet angel.prayers and hugs.

by crafter2243 Moderator 04 Jan 2011

How awful this must be for the parents. I will pray for them and all the family members.

by beatie58 04 Jan 2011

My thought are with the family Hugs Sally

by camylow 04 Jan 2011

My eternal love and support in their time goes forth....May our FATHER in Heaven reach down below and wrap his everlasting loving arms around them....What a comfort to know he holds their little one till the time comes for them to reunite and rejoice in it.....Thank you Janet for keeping us close to let us show our love and support as a cute family does....deanna

by keeponsewing 04 Jan 2011

Janet, I'm so sorry to hear about Bella Grace. I wrote earlier but the site went down for some reason. I won't repeat what I typed since I can't remember it all. LOL... I just pray that Justin and Hope will lean on Jesus to help them through this difficult time they are going through. We don't understand what God's Plan is, but we do know it is PERFECT. Right now that doesn't seem right or comforting but GOD IS GOOD. His Mercies are everlasting. Because of HIM giving His SON, Justin and Hope have the opportunity to see Bella Grace one day. This should be a comfort to know. Praying for a touch from God during this time. Hugs, Terre

by jacquipaul 04 Jan 2011

My heart goes out to Justin and Hope; I will pray for their acceptance of God's love and comfort.
Thank you for posting.

by fannyfurkin 04 Jan 2011

This is very sad news. I have said a prayer for Justin and Hope and for Bella, and I will continue to remember them in my prayers.

by castelyn 04 Jan 2011

Janet, so sorry to hear this. Will keep Justin and Hope in my prayers - hugs Yvonne

by marthie 04 Jan 2011

This is so sad.

by twee 04 Jan 2011

My heart aches for Bella Grace's family. Prayers and hugs

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by shirlener88 03 Jan 2011

Janet, I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Bella Grace and I will continue to pray for the family.

Here is something that you might pass along to Justin & Hope - it might help them:

I believe that your sweet Bella Grace did not die, I believe she was taken home. Taken home to the God who had only months before given her to you. And that's how it is with our children. They are gifts from God, his children shared with us, for an hour, a couple months or a lifetime, with us as long as they need to be, away from him no longer than they need to be. Sent down here to do what they need to do, and then to go home. To a home where we will one day join them.

Maybe babies like your daughter sweet Bella Grace forego this earth life in order to help us in a way we cannot hear and comprehend.

Whatever the reason, however incomprehensible to us it may be, we must have faith that it makes sense to God, and that it serves his purpose, that it is motivated by his perfect love for us and based on his perfect understanding of us. He knows what is best, and he knows that what seems catastrophic from the limited perspective of mortality may actually be a great gift from the perfect perspective of eternity. We may find out in heaven that our greatest trials in this life were in fact our greatest blessings.

A daughter such as sweet Bella Grace whose time in mortality was spent in the womb of her mother and the arms of her father. She knew little of this earth life, but what she did know was the strong arms of a loving father and the nurturing warmth of a loving mother. It was brief, but it was precious, and it was enough. Enough to hold her until the day of reunion.

I pray that it, and your faith, will be enough to hold you until that day.

I know that the Lord puts no burden on our backs that we cannot carry. He asks nothing of us that we cannot do. There is no impossibility in this life. And I know that this crushing cross you are called to bear is within your abilities, but just barely. I know it can be done, if together you take the hand of the Lord and walk out into the realm of faith.

With this I will be praying for acceptance of God's will for them. Thank you for keeping us informed.

by anangel 03 Jan 2011

I am so sorry to hear the sad news of Bella's passing, and my heartfelt sympathy goes to her parents and family; prayers for
strength and acceptance of the Lord's will going out as I type.
The Ronald McDonald House does such a wonderful service providing shelter and care to the families of severely ill children.

by read180 03 Jan 2011

My prayers and thoughts are with this family. the loss of a child is so devastating.
Cindy B.

by jrob Moderator 03 Jan 2011

I'm so sorry for the family's loss. I can't imagine losing a child. Had her on my prayer list and will continue to pray for the parents and family.

by judybell 03 Jan 2011

Thank you for updating us. I am so sorry to hear that little Bella passed away. I will lift her parents up in prayer during this difficult time. Please let them know there are many prayers going up for them. Judy

by pennifold 03 Jan 2011

Oh! my I am so sorry to read this. I had Bella in my prayers. I will uphold her parents before our all powerful God. I pray they will be surrounded and enfolded in His loving arms and feel His grace, mercy and grant them peace.

Thank you for informing us. God bless all who have worked with this little child. God has another angel in heaven.

Love and blessings Chris

by melita 03 Jan 2011

My prayers are with the family.

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by capoodle 03 Jan 2011

My thoughts and prayers are with this family during this difficult time.