by foxcglass 04 Jan 2011

Is anyone else having trouble with AmazingEmbroideryDesigns??? I try to contact them & it just erases what I ask - doesn't send it on. HELP please.

new alphabet not added any new letters in wks


by mranderson 04 Jan 2011

All these sites are linked. Cute, Cute alphabets, Amazing and You Embroidery. My guess would be that Veronika is taking a well earned rest.

by wendymay60 04 Jan 2011

The msil box is most likley full. It's Christmas Break...Enjoy the time to vote for other letters & designs that you have missed or would like to have. The last letter L I collected was on the 28th Dec so was only 8 day ago but I agree it feels like a lot longer. Also the last letter for Cute Embroidery was on the 27th Dec. Veronika is hopefully having a well desirved break. Both of these sites are hers, so are Cute alphabets, Adorable Applique & You Embroidery. We have to hope & pray that she is not sick, snowed out or very wet.

by cj2sew 04 Jan 2011

I have noticed that nothing new has been added either. I started a subscription and have been downloading a number of designs in the meantime though. The designs are coming through. Maybe their digitizers needed a vacation like the rest of us.

1 comment
wendymay60 by wendymay60 04 Jan 2011

I agree