by clawton 28 Feb 2008

Looks like we have another person to top the 1000 mark. Congratulations shirlener88!


by jrob Moderator 29 Feb 2008

congrats girl! ;)

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

Thanks - it was ya'll that got me there - was it not? Hehehe! A*4U

by raels011 29 Feb 2008

and a flower from me to you shirlene88 congratulations :)

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

raels, thank you and a flower to me to you. Shirlene

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

As your flower really went to clawton, not me. No worries.

by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

clawton, thank you for catching that. Hehehe! A flower for you.

by ruthie 28 Feb 2008

Wow, Shirlene, *** CONGRATULATIONS *** to you, you really deserve all those flowers, thanks for your help and all the beautiful chatter, keep it up Shirlene. Love, hugs and flowers to you.

ruthie by ruthie 28 Feb 2008

Thanks to clawton for noticing and remindeing us. Love, hugs and flowers to you too.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

ruthie, thank you - it has been my pleasure, really. A flower for you, too!

by letvia 28 Feb 2008

Congrat shirlener, you have been so helpful and sweet with everybody, you deserve it. Flower for clawton to notice this.

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

letvia, thank you - how sweet. A flower for you.

by marjialexa Moderator 28 Feb 2008

Shirelne, I blinked and you were over 1000! Wow! Congratulations to you, job well done, Flowers grows where love shows ( I had to make it rhyme, lol) Luv ya, Shirl!! Marji

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

marji, thank you - I believe in this rhyme. A*4U, too.

by dlmds 28 Feb 2008

Shirlener88, You are always so kind and helpful. You deserve your 1000+. Thank you for all your help. You go girl!!! Hugs and *'s

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

dlmds, thank you - it has been fun. Thanks for the hugs & *'s. A*4U, too!