by twee 06 Jan 2011

I have a question? How many of you who love embroidery are also gardners?


by spendlove Moderator 08 Jan 2011

Here in the UK, the seeds are on display now the shops have cleared the Christmas decorations. It is nearly as exciting as seeing a new range of fabric!!

by sdrise 07 Jan 2011

Yes we garden. We grow our own vegetables and I can them and also live doing flowers galore. Suzanne

by twee 07 Jan 2011

I'll give you all flowers and make one comment. I seem to have struck a common chord. I have a large yard with hundreds of flowers and a postage stamp garden with fresh veggies during the summer. My hubby does the grass and I do the flower beds, and we both do the garden. I used to can tons but not so much now, unless my girls want something. I've loved reading your comments.

by free3wil 06 Jan 2011

I love to be outside gardening when the weather permits. I try to save my sewing/embroidery days for when it is raining. I can get out there, no matter how hot, and believe me in Alabama it can get hot, and I almost forget to breathe, as I get so into it. Love to feel the dirt on my hands, smell it, and to watch things grow. Then, all of a sudden I realize, I forgot to eat lunch. Have been out there from 6:00 a.m. and realize at about 3 I need to rest a little while and have a bite! I love it!!!!

by dlonnahawkins 06 Jan 2011

I don't do gardening well - I get what is called grass itch, so don't work out in the yard much. But, I would love to have a really nice vegetable garden - just for the fresh vegetables. My Mother and Daddy always had nice flowers, and vegetables and fruits growing. So I grew up with gardens, - just don't do them well.

by gramsbear 06 Jan 2011

I love to have my own garden. When I talk garden tho, I mean vegetables. Many people refer to "garden" as only flowers. I do love my Cute flower garden and I love Roses, but my garden has tomatoes, onions, peppers, lettuce, and Yes, Zucchini!!! Hahaha! My problem is I cannot be out in the heat, so I can only tend it until it gets hot here, (which is most of the time) My DH was so nice to build me garden boxes. 4 ft long, 2 ft wide, and 2 ft deep. They are great, and I don't have to bend to the ground and fall head first into the tomatoes. Hahaha!!! Hugs, Judy

1 comment
shirlener88 by shirlener88 07 Jan 2011

Sounds like a great garden.

by caroldann 06 Jan 2011

I can not imagine not having a garden. I have a herb garden that is my pride and joy. I love lilacs and have 14 bushes right now. Also iris, oh my gosh, I have numerous colors. Vegetable garden is a must in the summer. Yes,I love to garden!

by nannynorfolk 06 Jan 2011

I love my garden..hard work at maintaining it though, but i love to see all the bulbs i've planted spring to life..Roll on Summer too..

by blueeyedblonde 06 Jan 2011

I used to garden. When my kids were small I had a huge garden every year. I used to can and freeze everything for the winter to keep our food cost down and also it tasted much better than what you could get at the store. I live in an apt. now (for the last 10 yrs) and can't have one, but health wise wouldn't be able to look after it now.
I also used to have flowers both in and out of the house. Inside I counted up about 30 plants - hadn't realized I had that many inside. Can't seem to keep them now in the apt - they seem to just die on me.

by sandralochran 06 Jan 2011

I love a garden.Always have fresh flowers in the house. I am in a group and we meet once a month
.have it in turns.With all the rain we are having (Queensland Au) the ground is water loged.We had another 3inch yesterday.This time last year we had no water and had been like that for several years. The farmers are having a tight time

by lilylady 06 Jan 2011

I am a gardener. I have a big yard on a resort and a road that goes all around my yard. People walk thr road all summer and love my flowers. My dad built me a wooden bridge and a log cabin that lights up, a windmill, a playhouse and a few other things. love, love, love

by katydid 06 Jan 2011

I love to garden and always have herbs , tomatoes and peppers, but the yard maintenance is getting harder each year. I have dome all the yard work for the past 25 yrs or so. I have been in my present home for about 19 years and bushes are all getting over grown and taller than I can reach to trim. Wish I had the money to hire a crew to chop a bunch down. My sweetie does not like to to do yard work. He takes a bush hop to his property, but it would nor work here. Kay

by marleymoo 06 Jan 2011

I do love embroidery but flowers and plants are my downfall! I have plants in my garden that dont require much attention, thankfully, because ll my houseplants have died!!!! Maybe its because I spent to much time here!!! LOL

by cathiejones 06 Jan 2011

Funny you ask that because I did notice threw messages that there was some embroiderer-gardener.
I Looooooove embroidery but I reduce my work in the summer as I also maintain my garden. I love mowing the lawn, it is very relaxing for me.
Thank you for asking !

by gerryvb 06 Jan 2011

well, I'm the embroiderer and my husband the gardner. I think we will keep it this way.But sometimes I do help in the garden.

by sewfrenzie 06 Jan 2011

I am the gardener around our place. I have a huge veggie garden several flower beds about a dozen fruit trees and I also raise chickens. I have about 30 that lay eggs and every year I raise 75 to 100 chickens and about 10 to 12 turkeys to butcher and freeze for us to eat. We don't sell the birds but I do sell my eggs. I do my own canning and freezing so harvest time is nuts around here. And I am also in charge of the landscaping and yard work. Thank goodness I do not have a job outside the home or I don't know how I'd get it all done. Winter is my down time and thats when I do my embroidering, quilting and sewing projects. We built a little red shed this last spring and that seems to have scared the deer a bit, but in time I'm sure they'll be back eating in my garden again. :( Oh I and I have bird feeders all year around and humming bord feeders in the summer. Yes I love animals and being in the country. :)

by bevgrift 06 Jan 2011

From sunny S.A. We have a large property and I love our garden. Lots of fruit trees and easy vegies like potatoe ,tomatoe,pumpkin and others.
Everyone comments about my year round tan, because I am always out there in the sunshine, I clean our pool and swim a lot too.
Thanks for asking
From Bev

by thecraftycritter 06 Jan 2011

Am an avid gardener for the few months we can grow anything here in Northern Minnesota. If it's not raining, I'm in the garden. In my world summer is for gardening, winter is for embroidering.

by jjjj 06 Jan 2011

I love being outside so yes I am a gardener (when the English weather allows, as well as an emboiderer and I am 'Jill of all trades' in so very may ways. I just like to have something to do almost all of the time, but I like variety too!

I would be interested to know what promted your question????

getEdited - SELECT
by lique 06 Jan 2011

Love my garden and have quite a big garden, without lawn and only flowerbeds and a veg. patch. Can work in it for hours but only if it is warm weather. I design, grow from seeds and prune Husband loves weeding!

1 comment
katydid by katydid 06 Jan 2011

Can I borrow him ,please??

by spendlove Moderator 06 Jan 2011

I love our garden (but leave the heavy stuff to Mike) Growing flowers and vegetables from tiny seeds is a special kind of magic.

by greysewist Moderator 06 Jan 2011

I can relate to giddygoat's comment! I quite like being in the garden, but tend to leave it so long that it takes forever to get it back under somewhere near control. But I can safely say I enjoy gardening a whole lot more than hou.ew.rk! I bought myself a new long handled pruner over Christmas and it's the best thing, right now. I'm currently pondering a new chipper/mulcher -I wore out a very old secondhand one a few years ago and have really missed it. Apple trees often grow from seed here, from cast off cores, so even with solid clay soil, things do grow! Weeds grow especially well :)

by castelyn 06 Jan 2011

Hi there, No I am not a gardner. I leave that for my husband. But I do enjoy the beautiful garden that he is aways working in. Hugs Yvonne

by capoodle 06 Jan 2011

I put in flowers and vegetable gardens except the summers I was caring for my parents. Some years the insects and deer's have been know to eat more of the garden than we do. Other times I have laughed so hard because we have had too many vegetables (zucchini, cucumbers, tomatoes etc) and ran out of canning jars and gave lots away. Didn't really want to get into the deep freezers. Our neighbors are very giving and will literally flag us down to offer their surplus tomatoes and potatoes. Am considering trying one of those upside down tomato containers this summer.

castelyn by castelyn 06 Jan 2011

My husband got 2 upside down containers as gifts, it has since all broken, from the sun. The tomatoes seem to be much better in the garden. Hugs Yvonne

capoodle by capoodle 06 Jan 2011

Thanks. I was wondering how they would hold up with the weight of the soil plus the water.

sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 06 Jan 2011

We tried them on year, we made our own out of 5 gail buckets and they worked very nicely, until we went on vacation. The problem with them is you have to be very diligent in your watering or you are much better off kepping them in the garden.

by beatie58 06 Jan 2011

Not me I love a great garden but not to work in. Hugs Sally

by pennifold 06 Jan 2011

Me!- when time permits - ha ha he he - I don't have a large one, but I do enjoy fossicking around in it! Have to wear gloves all the time though as there is something out there that makes me itch!!!

Love and blessings Chris

anangel by anangel 06 Jan 2011

This t-shirt design says my feelings perfectly about gardening! Being a farmer's
daughter, I love the outdoors, Spring, and Summer. I used to grow vegetables, but we have too many bunnies that get them, so now I enjoy the flowers! Playing in the dirt is the best therapy ever! LOL

gerryvb by gerryvb 06 Jan 2011

great shirt!

katydid by katydid 06 Jan 2011

Love the shirt!! Do you remember where you got the design???

sandralochran by sandralochran 06 Jan 2011

Love the dessign.Where can I find it please

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 06 Jan 2011

Chris - don't tell me that is you with all the tats! LOL - but the saying is great, and sounds like something my mother, MIL would have said, and now my DD. She loves her "garden".

shirlener88 by shirlener88 07 Jan 2011

love this Tee!

by shirlener88 06 Jan 2011

I love the beauty of a garden and have actually had a green thumb a time or two - but never had the property to experiment much with a big garden like yours - but would love an old English looking garden to be in and to make come alive. *4U

by fannyfurkin 06 Jan 2011

I enjoy looking at my garden but I don't do a thing in it. My husband is the gardener here and he is very good at it.

katydid by katydid 06 Jan 2011

It is good therapy. When weather permits, plant something.

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 07 Jan 2011

I would rather read a book. I really don't like to garden, I like sit in it though.

by crafter2243 Moderator 06 Jan 2011

Right now nothing is going on in my vegetable garden. We are having frost at night. In the spring and through the fall I love tending my vegetable and flower garden.

by airyfairy 06 Jan 2011

I love to garden when it is not too hot (having a heatwave at the moment). I grow roses which take up a lot of my valuable sewing time!!!

by giddygoat 06 Jan 2011

I also like to garden but spend so much time downloading freebies I don't achieve much in either pursuit.

1 comment
roberta by roberta 06 Jan 2011

We had a good size garden and out of it I canned tomatoes, okra, butter beans, peas and green beans and turnip greens. Over 200 jars I canned. Plus doing embroidery for 2 karate schools and working part time and keeping my granddaughter every afternoon and keeping my own house clean. A LOT of work but well worth it in the long run! And other embroidery on the side. We plan on having 2 gardens next year. Roberta in Alabama