by jrob Moderator 29 Feb 2008

Happy Leap Day to all my CUTE friends! ;)


by ruthie 29 Feb 2008

Happy leap day to you too jrob and everyone else. Actually I missed it completely - as Mandy said, it's March 1st here in Aussieland, the first day of autumn, and yes, we're hoping for heaps of rain this year to break our drought. Hugs, flowers and have a fun day everyone.

by modo 29 Feb 2008

thanks and a flower to all of you here. I lerm everything here...LeapDay. Sand, embroidery.Man is it fun

by katydid 29 Feb 2008

happy Leap day to all and flowers to each. I need to dress for dinner now. My sweetie is taking me out for fried catfish. Lots of cholesterol.

1 comment
jrob by jrob 02 Mar 2008

ohh, yummy! Yes, it was called Sadie Hawkins day and we used to have a dance in elementary school where the girls asked the boys! I had forgotten, thanks!

by raels011 29 Feb 2008

Happy leap year to you too and a flower :)

by letvia 29 Feb 2008

Happy Leap Day for everybody and flowers too.

by shirlener88 29 Feb 2008

Yes, Happy Leap Year to CUTE and the CUTE community! A*4 all here.

by nglover1 29 Feb 2008

Happy Leap Day to ALL and here are flowers for all of you.

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Feb 2008

To all our non-USA friends, Leap Day is February 29th here. Every 4 years is called a Leap Year, when February has 29 days to catch up the calendar, because the true solar year has 365.25 actual days, and if we didn't have a Leap Year, the calendar would go off time very soon. Apparently, in the USA we will take almost any occasion we can find to celebrate!! Hope this helps, Sorval, and you can understand me ok. My best wishes to all my friends here. Marji

1 comment
sorval by sorval 29 Feb 2008

hello marji i can understand you whe call that in the netherlands schrikkeljaar gr sonja

by sorval 29 Feb 2008

hello jerrilyn what is a leap day try it in netherlands please gr sonja

jrob by jrob 29 Feb 2008

hello, my friend. Marji esxplained it very well. We just take almost anything we can think to make a party or celebration! Netherland flowers to you! ;)

jrob by jrob 29 Feb 2008

esxplained should have been explained. I was eating a piece of chocolate and it sometimes make me twitch. heheheh ;)

by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

Sand when they start giving Cuteembroidery memberships, Embroidery Machines, needles, stablizer, and etc. instead of gloves PLEASE! let me know. Marji, I do not think I could leap, I could do the jump stitches tho. H & *'s

by imandy2 29 Feb 2008

hi, here in Aus we have already had leap day and it is now officially autumn, 1st March. a *4u all

1 comment
marjialexa by marjialexa 29 Feb 2008

Mandy, we're waiting for Spring here in the northern USA. But our official 'first day of Spring' isn't till 21 March. I hope it will rain for you all in Aus this autumn, and get you out of your drought situation. Best. Marji

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Feb 2008

And to you, Jrob, and all my 'Cute' friends! This doesn't mean I actually have to 'leap' does it? I'm not sure I can even 'hop' this AM, hee hee hee. Would be a good day to do a project with a lot of 'jump' stitches, though, hee hee hee. Marji

by clawton 29 Feb 2008

Same to you and the rest of the gang and to Cute!

by sand 29 Feb 2008

Happy day to you too. But what is Leap Day???

jrob by jrob 29 Feb 2008

29th day of February. We call it "leap day" in the US ;)

sand by sand 29 Feb 2008

Oh, I get it. In Denmark we say the 24th is the leap, not the 29th. And on the 24th a woman can ask a man to marry. And if he refuse, he has to give her 24 pairs of gloves.

marjialexa by marjialexa 29 Feb 2008

Cool, Sand! Actually, the custom in the USA too is that a woman can ask the man to marry on the 29th (when we celebrate the "leap day" ) but I never heard anything about gloves. I think if he refuses, this being the Wild West and all, she probably just gives him a clout on the ear! You have much more refined customs in your 'older' countries, hee hee hee.

jrob by jrob 29 Feb 2008

Was there some custom regarding gloves? I guess being in a warmer climate, I don't get the reference. ;)

marjialexa by marjialexa 29 Feb 2008

Hee hee, Jrob, I don't think you're old enough to remember 'dress' gloves. I'm thinking Sand means gloves like women used to wear every day, even in the summer. Your outfit was not complete without a hat and gloves. Maybe Sand will correct me if I'm wrong, because I suppose it does get pretty cold in Denmark as well. I still have a pair of lovely lace gloves I used to wear in summer. Boy, showing my age. Please tell me you're old enough to remember 8-tracks? Marji

katydid by katydid 29 Feb 2008

I think that when a women asks a man to marry her is Sadie Hawkins Day. Does any remember that?

sand by sand 01 Mar 2008

Yes Marji, you are right. It is supposed to be "dress" gloves. I have a pair of lace gloves from my grandmother, I think I maybe used them once or twice when I was young at a party just for fun. 8-track ??? doesnt ring a bell (44 almost 45 years old)

jrob by jrob 02 Mar 2008

I do know 8 tracks, and I had forgotten about the gloves. There is a picture of me in some when I was 2-3 yrs old but that is all. I guess after that it went out of style, or I got to be too much of a tomboy to put gloves on anymore!