by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

I am jealous, I want a baby so I can make a cute blanket. Maybe I can find a place to borrow a baby, if I promies to return when done. Just teasing. They are so precious .Hugs and flowers


by ruthie 29 Feb 2008

dlmds, if you have any spare time and energy left after you've made quilts etc for all those charities, you could still make quilts and buy one of those *realistic* baby dolls, you know the type - can't tell the difference between them and a real baby - and these one's don't poop, haha!!! Hugs and flowers.

by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

Thank you my friends, I also crochet and knit when watching TV. I never thought there was such a need for donated blankets. I do not know how to quilt, but I can do blankets other ways. Thank to all of you again. Hugs and flowers.

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dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 29 Feb 2008

My parents made quilts together. They lived in a town that had a pajama factory and would buy the excess soft fabric, and make quilts, and gave most of them away when they saw the need. I am not that industrious.

by dlonnahawkins 29 Feb 2008

Be careful what you wish for. If you want to do something try pillow cases for Cook Children's & stitch-a-wish Volunteer program. You can get the instructions and free designs at Click on the Cook Children's projects area on the left side. I have several hopefully to be completed soon, and sent in memory of my parents who reared 6 children, and when we were grown and gone, took in 127 foster children to love. Good idea about borrowing a baby.

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dlmds by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

I will check into these also. What loving, wonderful parents you had. I can do pillowcases and blankets. Thank you dear, I think many of us would like to help, just not sure how to go about it. Hugs and flower

by libster2896 29 Feb 2008

Do what I do. Work for an obstetrician. Lots of babies there. LOL. But I think the quilt donation idea is wonderful. Are there any Australians who know of an organisation, particularly in Qld? If so, let me know.

by clawton 29 Feb 2008

Project Linus could always use more people to make blankets and quilts. It is a totally volunteer non profit organization that is in need of blankets for children. Look them up on the net. Most of my embroidery is made into quilts for them.

izzy by izzy 29 Feb 2008

Thank you so much for the tip about Project Linus. I love making hand tied blankets and there's only so many you can give to family members :o)

dlonnahawkins by dlonnahawkins 29 Feb 2008

This is a good idea. I will need to look this up. There are times that I just want to do something small - I like this one!

dlmds by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

I will check into this. I don't quilt, but sure I could do things another way. Thank you Hugs and flower.

by jrob Moderator 29 Feb 2008

dlmds, I do volunteer work for the Family Support Council in my hometown and we are ALWAYS needing baby blankets. We have a program that goes through the last trimester of pregnancy and first 12 weeks of the baby's life, with new mothers that would be considered at risk. I bet you could find someone near you that needs them and would be overjoyed to get some, and if not, I would be HAPPY to donate on your behalf to the cause here! seriously ;)

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dlmds by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

Thank you jrob, You are such a sweety,however, I love all the help I need to do my own making and giving. I will check Childrens Services, and some of the Cancer Centers here. How do you get so many hrs. out of a day? H and*'s

by marjialexa Moderator 29 Feb 2008

Hey, D, I bet Cutiepie will let you 'borrow' her twins after they're born, and she changes a few month's worth of poopy diapers X2!! Hee hee hee. Marji

1 comment
dlmds by dlmds 29 Feb 2008

Now that could be lots of fun, however, I doubt I would have enough time left to make the blankets. When are her twins due? I have 5, so I know all about poopy diapers. I was even kind enough to let them become adults Ha! Hugs and a flower.