by saamore 07 Jan 2011

could someone tell me what the "flowers" mean under your name?


by rmj8939 08 Jan 2011

Here is another one.

by airyfairy 08 Jan 2011

I see you have your answer. Welcome to Cute. *4U Sarah.

by fannyfurkin 07 Jan 2011

have another flower

by lbrow 07 Jan 2011

Ok you got your answer. Welcome to the wonderful world of Cute. we are most proud to have you with us./Lillian

by devon 07 Jan 2011

Welcome to the family. Devon

by shirlener88 07 Jan 2011


by asterixsew Moderator 07 Jan 2011

Hi I see you have asked a similar question before. Click on your name and it will take you to see what we said last time you asked the question. ANd have another flower.

by sewdeb 07 Jan 2011

Welcome to cute! The flowers are just a friendly gesture to say 'thanks, well done, hugs, cheer up or just howdy." Here's # 72 *!

by crafter2243 Moderator 07 Jan 2011

Maybe you don't know how to retrieve the answers. Click on your question which will open all the replies. Here is a link to some answers you received before

by smithandsmith 07 Jan 2011

Welcome to Cute Embroidery saamore
The flowers are just a little way saying thank you
Every time you post a comment or there is a flower beside it and then another cutie clicks on it and gives you another flower :)
It's a fun way of saying thank you and collecting flowers
have fun
hugs Lee

1 comment
saamore by saamore 07 Jan 2011

thank you. that is fun. hugs to all.