I have a simulair problem with my laptop. I'm still fighting the learning curb involved with laptops. One thing I HAVE learned is to make sure you cursor is sitting above blank space before starting to read somthing, or off you go to whatever web-site the cursor was just sitting over, lol! Seems all the suggestions I would have had have been given already. Good luck solving your problem.
Mary I had that problem about a month ago. I cleaned the roller but it didn't help so I had to buy a new mouse. Good Luck *
If your mouse has a roller ball in the bottom, take it out, clean it with methylated spirits and the sensors. replace ball. It should work better. Might be a fluff build up
My computer wiz of a husband, said there could be a problem with the lense of your mouse, and you will need to get a new mouse.
You have some great answers here. Isn't it amazing how much we learn as a result of our sewing!
Could it be the surface? I know mine will do that on some surfaces. I try to use my mouse pad. Could it need to be recharged? Just a couple of quesses.
First try rebooting... then change the mouse. Sometime "mice" go bad. Do you have a wireless, laser or old fashion roller ball? Your computer may also have done an update and changed your driver.
If its a wireless you probably just need to change the batteries. Be aware that all mice can die and then you'll need to purchase a new one. Yes I am talking about computer mice...lol. We've gone through several of the wireless so far, must mean I stay at Cute to much.
Mary, if you haven't already, go to mouse properties and then to pointer options and see if that helps. I have a Dell laptop with vista and every once in awhile my curser goes crazy.<br />Carol
Yes, could be you have it on a setting that's too fast.
I know this has happened to me but I don't remember what I did. I know someitmes it's the page I'm looking at that messes it up. A page with too many animations on it.
do you have a wireless mouse? in that case it's possible you have to renew the battery of your mouse.when mine has low battery the cursor goes upwards or downwards on my pc screen and is hard to handle. So maybe that's the case with yours too.
It might need cleaning(check the bottom wheels)use alcohol) most do not require batteries unless they are not connected to keyboard(wireless). If it's more than 2 yrs old it might be better to replace it.
You are probably asking the wrong person (me). Did you check the mouse. Maybe needs new batteries. Marg
try putting apiece of white plain paper under it. no mouse pad. It helps me. gl
If it is wireless it will need something with a pattern on it (under the mouse) to make it work properly