shouldn't one always have the machine foot at highest position when changing colours? I was advised to raise the foot before removing the finished colour and rethreading in order to get perfect tension. The needle always stops at highest position on my machine so I have no probs there. But then again I have designer1 not a janome. wish I could be of help but it's a new prob to me. I do hope you find a solution soon. Keep us informed! flower for you
What kind of machine do you have? Maybe we could help by calling our dealers about this problem. Hugs and flowers.
I need you to clarify one thing. Raise pressure foot or raise needle?
Raise needle bar slowly and it does'nt happen every time and I don't have to raise it very far but can't do anything until I do this. I have had it to tech but have him scratching head. lol
Well, that is a puzzler. It sounds like your machine isn't bringing it back up properly. Sorry, but I don't have a solution for that one. It is a new one for me. I would keep bugging my tech to call the factory, fellow techs etc to see if they know a fix. ;)
Tech called factory and they had never heard of it eighter but suggested adjusting timimg belt, done this but no change. Tech wants me to break leg or arm so he can have it back, garantee runs out in may
By all means, try to have problem resolved before May. Leave it with him even if you don't have a back up machine at home. I know we can't do without them but just go shopping every day until you get your baby back.