by brendaleas 03 Mar 2008

did someone ask us to vote for the Z in the berry font , yesterday? I went and voted for it this morning. :) I was thinking that it was the only letter she needed to have all of that font:)


by shirlener88 03 Mar 2008

I cast my vote - *4U'll

by wjbekker 03 Mar 2008

Yes someone did and I am also trying to get the letter Z. Please help

by marjialexa Moderator 03 Mar 2008

Yep, same here. I'm voting for the Z, and someone also requested U, but I don't hold out too much hope for this with the Autumn font open for voting. We're good, but I'm not sure we're *that* good, LOL. Good luck to whomever wants these letters. Marji

by jrob Moderator 03 Mar 2008

Yes, it is one of the letters that was requested for the Berry Font, but I'm afraid that since Autumn has been released that it will be a long time before we will get to vote on the letters that have already run. ;)