by granddaughter 15 Jan 2011

hello.fellow sewers,how do you convert colors ,from brother designs,when they are < or any designs>that say do, skin tones in purple or strange colors like burgandy ,if it,s not on your machine ?


by sewmom 16 Jan 2011

I pretty much do what Shirlene does. I also keep a copy of a picture of the design to check later. That really helped when I had a color problem with a design from emblibrary. I change the colors on PE Design on my computer. There I can see which area is being stitched with which color. I can also change the color on the embroidery machine but I like the large size of the computer screen better. The threads I have don't always match the picture exactly so my final decision is made by laying the threads on the fabric and deciding if I like it. Then of course a test run on scrap fabric.

You might think "I can go back to the site and look at the picture." Unfortunately sites sometimes go out of business or, if you don't keep good records, you might forget where you got it. So if you want any information for later, keep it in your files and back up your files on an external hard drive or some other method.

by shirlener88 16 Jan 2011

Welcome to the CUTE family 'granddaughter' - I like to print out the color sequence or at least have a copy of it with my file - if I am worried about the colors of the files - before I go to stitch them out - I will bring them into my layout and editing - which most of the time - I do - unless I am going to do a huge amount of embroidery - to just put on my design card (if I am doing a large amount - I will put many of them on my USB stick) when it is in layout and editing on my embroidery machine - I have an option to change the colors - I do it then - rather than on my machine - but my machine also allows me to change the color of the thread - before I start stitching - so the best thing for you to do - is study your manual for your program and your machine - I could tell you what steps to take on mine - but it might not be the same as on yours. Hope you can stitch out your designs and show them to us soon in the PROJECT section of the site - to inspire us to do better with our embroidery work, too. *4U

And just for the record there are a number of sites that change the colors in the process of tranmission from their website to your PC. It is something that we have had to learn to live with. I change colors all the time. It does help me see the design easier as it is stitching - if the colors are in order - rather than me guessing to what part is next - I also like to do a stitch simulation of the design before I stitch it, too.

1 comment
granddaughter by granddaughter 16 Jan 2011

thankyou shirlene.gillian.

by airyfairy 15 Jan 2011

I also do not pay a lot of attention to the colours. I do notice that if I have to change the format of a design the colours change. I always either make a note or print out the colour chart as I like to know what was used originally. Hope that makes sense. Sarah.

1 comment
granddaughter by granddaughter 16 Jan 2011

yes ,it does,but sometimes it,s hard to know ,where the next color is going to go.i have 3 janome machines.maybe, i,m to fussy,my teacher died of a asthsma attack how i miss her,advise.

by keeponsewing 15 Jan 2011

I'm the same. I don't pay any attention to the color. I look at the picture and most of the time I don't use that either, but it does give me a guide line. I saw a website that had color exchange, but I didn't pay much attention to it, since I don't use it. :) I'm sure someone here can help you though. :) Hugs, Terre

by leenova54 15 Jan 2011

I don't pay much attention to most of the colors it tells me to use, I just use whatever color I want. The machine won't know the difference.