by marymoore 07 Mar 2008

ok this may sound stupid but i am new to the embroidery world what are the flowers after my name? what do you do with them ?


by shirlener88 07 Mar 2008

Mary, that is always the #1 question. Most of us really don't know - but we have learned that we can give and receive them - when you see an orange flower on the right side of the page - you can click on it and when it turns gray - that means that you have given that person a flower and one of their numbers will change under their name. I believe that the real answer would be best if I copy and paste it here for you from jrob: " is conducting testing at this time. Flowers will be used to provide new and additional benefits to users of" They seem to be a good thing to be collecting because my bouquet surely does smell good and look pretty. As for how you get them, you get one each day (once every 24 hour period) that you visit the site. We can now get them from others on this area of the site, and also in response to questions and answers and Cudo's for projects. And that's the short answer! I'm sending you one now. ;)" So give them and receive them and have some fun doing so. Shirlene *4U

1 comment
marymoore by marymoore 07 Mar 2008

than you that helped i was really wondering and i do like this site a lot i just joined maybe a week ago and i get lost sometimes.