Letvia, translating names for colors can be difficult at best. Each thread company seems to have different names for the same color, or the same name is different colors in each company's thread chart. A lot of colors are named for something they look like, like "rose" or "poppy" or "sky", so maybe you can get an idea from that. I usually look at the colors in the photo of the design, and pick through my threads and find similar ones, then hope for the best! Good luck to you, the color thing can be difficult. Marji
Thank you marji. My problem, until now is with a color named PEWTER. Flower and XoXo
I have notices that some sites give you a choice of languages now. Check to see if that is available. As someone already mention check to see if the site offers conversion charts.
Letvia, you have gotten some good advice here - so I will not say the same thing - some web sites that sell thread - have a converter chart - perhaps that might help. I don't know what to tell you dear one. *4U
You might be well served going to a translation site. I have found this to be a good one: http://www.freetranslation.com/ (just be sure to click on "free translation" not human, because there is a charge for human translation. You can then put in the names you want translated. If what you are looking for is more in the line of thread colors, you can go to Sulky.com or Madiera.com or whatever brand you prefer and look at the colors there. Of course they will be in English and monitors sometimes show colors a bit off, but that should give you a pretty good idea. ;)
Thank you jrob. I will try Sulky because I tried before freetranslation. I always use this site to be sure that what I write is ok, sometimes works and sometime doesn't, jajaja. Flower and XoXo
Letvia, most stores or web sites that sell thread have a color chart, they might run any where from free to $20. They are a good tool to have, I have seen some that you can download, but my 80 year old memory will not allow me to think of it right now. HaHa. Where are you from? A flower for you.
Thank you Loretta. I am from Venezuela, South America and I don't know all the colors' name in Spanish. How can I know in English? Jajajaja. Flower and XoXo
Letvia, glad to know where you hail from. I just know you will find something, soon.