Well now, if I blow up your chair you'll just find another! I fell very fortunate as I have a laptop and desktop. I can take laptop into sewing room and work at my table while emb is going on. Thats when I visit or print out templates of next project. I have a wireless printer so I have it pretty well organized. There have been days when I have been working off laptop and desktop! And this is just a hobby! Carol
My machine is in front of the TV. I turn up the volume so I can hear it over the machine. Lucky I don't have any close neighbours.
hahahahahaha, I have the same "problem", hugs*****
I know how you feel,with all the lovely people on here. And collecting all the designs it's amazing any of us get any sewing done.
We have to be multi-taskers to get everything done and be able to keep up with posting on Cute, sometimes it makes for a very trying day...lol.
Just think of it as getting exercise and we can all use that or at least that is what they keep telling us. So we are up & down, up & down...yep we're exercising!
They say women can do many things at the same time. Apologies to any men here.
Sure you an. Set up your machine and hit start, now run into the room where your computer is located and read another post. When the machine stops go in and feed it again, run back to the post you were reading. Repeat as needed. Now you are really multi-tasking: embroidering, on Cute and exercising.
Can't do this as I always have so much stuff around me when I sew like threads.
So you have been bitten by the bug....so hard to get anything done once you are addicted to this site...Hugs Sally
A lady from Babylock was demonstrating their lastest overlocker & she had her laptop near the overlocker & it died.The repairer said it was full of fluff & now she keeps it in another room.I got one of these overlockers & you would be amazed at the amount of fine fluff it generates. My diamond does as well so I'll keep my laptop in another room even though its inconvenient
I had my last laptop next to my mahcine's for 5yrs before it decide to go to computer heaven, My new laptop I hope lasts just as long LOL
You did me give good laughters! Hehehe... But it try to put one beside another. It works well!
Sadly I don't have enough room to have my computer alongside my machine. Even though I have a sewing cabinet, I dew on a table in where my TV is. I am by myself so don't have to worry about upsetting anyone. No close neighbors so can have the TV up loud over the machine.
LOL. NO..... I have my computers next to the machine so I can embroider, digitise and go on line. You will certainly need to move them together, much more fun that way. Helen
I would love to digitise. Have downloaded a free program but have been so busy and not been able to work it out.
Maybe I should have my machine alongside my Computer. Not as silly as it sounds.
Not silly at all - do it - you will be much happier and so much more productive.
It won't be long before you will find a way to do both at the same time. LOL