by lesbabe 08 Feb 2011

breaking,I kept on pushing the escape touch screen,on and on it went.Finally in flustration,I poked the little oil can picture,yelling"I have oiled you!" well to my jaw dropping surprise,that all it needed!! sewing like a dream again...bliss. Just thought someone out there might have a bernina.. PS don't know if you really need the magic


by greysewist Moderator 09 Feb 2011

Phew! It's a very good thing your machine isn't (hopefully) related to those cold drink machines, or we all know what would have been required!

by katydid 09 Feb 2011

You must have the 830. I am envious. which machine did you have before you go the 830? I have the Bernina 730E and 185E. I traded the 170 in when I bought the 730. I kept the 1120 or was it called the 1130 and gave to my daughter. I could not dare part with it. It was a jewel and still is. I sew with it for the granddaughters when I am at my daughter's home.I have had Berninas since the 1970's and I love them.

by leenova54 09 Feb 2011

Just like a child, you have to firmly tell them that is the end of the conversation! They know the minute you turn your back that it is OK to break the thread or run out of bobbin thread or just jam up!

by quilter124 09 Feb 2011

I LOVE IT....we all have those moments......

by lflanders 09 Feb 2011


by nhsmith55 08 Feb 2011

I have a Bernina and I love it! But I didn't know about poking the oil can picture! I do know that you can turn off the bobbin senser. It won't come on, so you'll need to check your bobbin thread occationally.

by meringuedesigns 08 Feb 2011

I have the Bernina 830 now but sometimes it is haunted and says I have a thread breakage when I don't. But my no fuss Bernina 131 never gives me any errors--because it's not too complicated!<br /><br />Either way, gotta love Bernina

by lique 08 Feb 2011

Love my Bernina, have last year upgraded to a 730 and it is a dream come through. All those yhongs that annoyed me with my previous machine seemed to have been solved (I can now go back per stitch) The only problem I have at the moment is that it gives me messages that my bobbin is empty, which I know is not True!

by sewlikedawn 08 Feb 2011

Glad to hear that it all worked out for you! It is amazing how yelling can fix so many problems! Maybe your machine was just wait for you to yell back at it!!! LOL Hehehe!
Hugs Dawn

getEdited - SELECT
by stitchship 08 Feb 2011

LOL! I have an older Bernina, and I love mine! Enjoy yours! I am glad that it finally got the message!

Before I bought the Artista Software, I used a magic box, and other software, but I really like my software, it is amazing.