roxsy, I love your image. I have a pom. Looks just like your pic only darker.
I don't have an answer for you but i know many do but a flower for you just for being brave enough to ask....ha
roxsy, you image is coming through crystal clear to me. Some of us are always wanting to change our image in one way or the other, just do it for the better, I say. HaHa. A flower for your new image. It looks great.
Looks like you did it . looks like a cousin of my puppy. A flower for you
I tried to use a picture of my pom with a passy in his mouth but couldn't get it to take is kept getting ERROR . So used a picture of a quilt. my pom looks to be the same color as yours.
go to you account and than to your profile i yhink you can change than your image gr sonja
Oh, you meant your avatar! I was going to say, if you manage, please give me some hints, because my image could sure stand to be updated. I'm just kidding around, miss cute thing! Love your puppy!;)
So roxsy, is this you or your baby? Hehehe! I have a grandson that looks very similar to this picture. Hehehe!
roxsy, how about a complete make-over,haha, only kidding sweetie. To change your avatar, make sure that you are signed-in. Click on *My Account* at the top left of this page, that takes you to your Home page. Then click on *My Profile*, this will open that part up. Then click on *Personal Info*, this brings you to a page where you can add a nickname, add details about yourself if you want. In the box under *My Image* insert the link to exactly where your pic is on your hard-drive. The easiest way is often to click on the *Browse* button, to the right of that box, and locate your pic that way. If your pic is on an external drive, make sure that it is connected to your computer all the time you are doing this. Your avatar needs to be either a jpeg or gif format. Also it needs to be between 100 & 200 pixels in size, you may need to crop or reduce using a graphics program. It can be either square or rectangle. roxsy, if I've given you info that you already know, please forgive me, I don't know how much info you need. If I haven't explained this clearly enough, *please please* let me know and I'll try again. Hope to *see* you up there real soon sweetie, hugs and flowers to you.
After all that roxsy, I forgot to say that when you have the link to your pic in the box, you then need to click *save*, which you'll find below the box with your link. I think I've got it all this time, haha!!!
roxy, your go to my account, my profile, my image, brouwse for your picture whereever that might be and click save. Voila, changed. Hope to see a new image, soon. *4U