by oldtimer992005 10 Feb 2011

other, for all the advice you give, for sharing, for listening to our aches and pains and complaining and for not laughing when we ask some weird questions. you all are truly a wonderful bunch of people (cuties).at first i felt like i did not belong, but now i am so glad to be one of you. thank you, my friends, my cuties family.may you all have your dreams and wishes come true.


by beatie58 11 Feb 2011

I also give my thanks to Ms Veronika for her generousity to us cuties and allowing us to use her site as a means to meet and greet and make friends with all who choose to be here..welcome and hugs Sally

by 02kar Moderator 11 Feb 2011

I am so glad that you are comfortable with us. And you do belong with and to us. You are family and make us stronger.

by airyfairy 11 Feb 2011

Thank you for taking the time to write. I am sure that most Cuties feel the same. It is a truly wonderful site with some amazing people, always willing to share and help. I often wonder if Miss V ever thought it would turn out like this. Thank you Miss V and all the Cuties out there. Hugs to all Sarah.

1 comment
castelyn by castelyn 11 Feb 2011

I agree Sarah. Hugs Yvonne