by motorcyclegma1100 11 Feb 2011

Fairies. I need fairy designs. I could look thru all 314 pages of cuties, but I want to get busy embroidering! Thanks for the help! You all are wonderful!!


by sewdeb 11 Feb 2011

Welcome to Cute! Any suggestions I had to give have already been given! That Gerry is a treasure trove! And darn quick, too! :-D LOL.

by sewfrenzie 11 Feb 2011

I know it says cat, but its for the fairy. This is a one color fairy with no jump stiches.

1 comment
motorcyclegma1100 by motorcyclegma1100 11 Feb 2011

another awesome helper!! Yahoo!!

by potheau 11 Feb 2011

Here is a fairy and in that blog you have many others


by lflanders 11 Feb 2011

I had to laugh when I read this request! You have not been here long but you are already showing signs of being addicted to collecting designs! We all know the feeling!!!! Welcome to Cute! Have fun and do not forget to share with everyone. When you finish your projects, please put them in the projects section for all to enjoy! Be sure and join in every chance you get. We are all open to new ideas!

1 comment
motorcyclegma1100 by motorcyclegma1100 11 Feb 2011

yep, you are right! I am indeed addicted! "Sew" much fun!! Thanks everyone!

getEdited - SELECT
by gerryvb 11 Feb 2011

here are some to start with, I update if I see more

motorcyclegma1100 by motorcyclegma1100 11 Feb 2011

You are amazing!! Awesome new places to check out too! Thanks a million!!

lflanders by lflanders 11 Feb 2011

Thanks Gerry!

sewdeb by sewdeb 11 Feb 2011

Amazing, Gerry! Cute is blessed to have you here!