All I wanted was the bookmark, lol! I finally got it. :) I even cleaned out my temp files, but it didn't help. But I got what I was after!! :)
I haven't tried d/l, but I'm having problems going from one post to the next. It's taking FOREVER to switch... arghh...
yup-it is slow-oh well, gives me a chance to get another cup of coffee,fold some laundry and finish the ironing. I feel guilty because I am hoping I don't get any drop off customers today-I enjoy the peace and quiet sometimes lol. Shoot-there goes the doorbell and phone at the same time...
I did get the downloads but it has been hit or miss getting in-mostly with this site-not so much with You,CA & You.I just wanted to make sure I got todays letter(U) for Bugs in love-miss one of those a day and you have to call in votes =o( I wish there was a membership on that site-I would definately add that one to my other 2 (Amazing & cuteemb.) ~linda~
this isn't a answer to your question, but I am new here and was wondering where you are talking about. I love finding new embroidery sites.
Thanks for your help.
Ms. Veronica is the host of Do you know how to check you PMs? When you are on community click on private and you will see you have a message. I will send you a list of sites to check out.
Welcome and have fun!!
I was having the same problem and I cleanned out the internet temp files and it is running better. Try it might be the problem Suzanne