*A* is looking good for tomorrow with 38 votes - the highest. If everyone helps we should be able to whip through these *wanted* letters in no time. Thanks to everyone for helping. Hugs and flowers.
I'll go for that! Especially, since that is one of the 3 I missed in Carnival. Sometimes we just have to be patient! And be thankful for what we have, especially if it is free. We have had a lot of new people trying to get alphabets that were up before they found the site.
This is just so 'spot-on', we all should be grateful for what we are so lucky to have been given for free. And maybe the others will come back round again, in time, as "all good things come to those who wait". cheers & a rose for your wisdom, Meganne
No, I was just saying that since there were 2 new designs posted, and no new alphabets, today would be a good day to help those who want to collect what they have missed. There are some who can afford a membership and I don't mind helping them. Hope I didn't offend. ;)
There had been a lot of people wanting missed carnival fonts. A good opportunity to do that since like you said there isn't a new autumn font for today.
Thank you jrob for suggesting the carnival font. I was one of those who found the site at the very end of the carnival font and I would love to be able to get the rest of it. I'm sure that there are those who have all of the fonts and find it boring to go over the same old things again, but to me, it new. Thanks again!
This really bothers me, you are telling me I will have little or nothing new until Carnival is over for the second time.
How about us folks who have been faithful to be every day? I have't picked up a new anything here for days until today. And then it was only on alphabets. I am all for 2nd chances but not in the middle of an alphabet. Very frustrating to start something new when you haven't finished what we are doing.
Just saw autumnfont "G " is up , Glad "G" is one I always want .