by elaine45 15 Mar 2008

I am using Zip Magic to unzip my downloads.Do the files take up less space when they are zipped or is there a difference? Please let me know if you know.


by marjialexa Moderator 15 Mar 2008

I think 'zipped' and 'compressed' mean the same thing. There used to be many years ago something called a "Zip Drive" that would compress files stored onto it, and when technology advanced "zipped" just became the generic word for compressed. Somebody correct me if I'm wrong, here. Yes, zipped files take up less space. Good idea to back up all your designs, though, onto a CD or DVD. If you use the DVD, you really don't have to bother zipping, they have loads of room on them. Good luck. Marji

by letvia 15 Mar 2008

The file that are in zip are compressed, so they take less space in the HD or CD. Flower and XoXo

by joaniessw 15 Mar 2008

Yes, zipped takes up a LOT less space than unzipped

by jrob Moderator 15 Mar 2008

That is confusing, but I *think* zipped files and compressed files are almost the same. It would be different if the compressed file is an .exe file. That means when you click on it, it will open. .Zip unzips a file and then you can open it from there. They both use less space. ;)

by freida 15 Mar 2008

Zipped files are smaller.

freida by freida 15 Mar 2008

Some computers will say compressed instead of zipped.

elaine45 by elaine45 15 Mar 2008

my computer also says compressed but for some reason I thought I may know more about the zipped than compressed (which is not much). Thanks for your information.