Thanks for the info. I want to eventually digitize, but am satisfied for now with the work of others (such amazing work - thanks).
I bought my Embird from Kathy and have been very satisfied with everything she has offered me. Also, if there is a problem, the Embird staff are more than willing to step up to the plate to help you.
Thank you, Meganne, for this help.
I attended an upgrade meeting this afternoon at the Pfaff shop. I have 3D Professional Suite and use it with my Husqvarna Designer II machine. 3D no longer supported at all by Husqvarna. The upgrade is from 4D to 5D Embroidery or 5D Embroidery Extra, ranging in price from just over $1000 to $1799.
The new 5D Embroidery Suite costs $2599 but it wasn't assumed than anyone would want to buy it outright. 3D seemed to be considered pretty much of a wipe-off, but I'd have to buy the 5D Suite outright if I wanted to move onto the next software stage. I'm happy with 3D right now but I do know that if the dongle dies so does the use of this complete Suite. All in all I came home a tad disillusioned.
All that having been said, I will look into Kathy Jones' tutorials on Embird because should the need arise it looks as though Embird could be the way to go. I believe that all information is an easy burden to carry and one never knows when it will come in handy.
Well Alma, the last two upgrades for Embird were FREE and the one before that (I think) cost under $25, just don't remember the exact amount but it was so cheap as to be laughable.
You can't go wrong. hugs n roses, Meg
Wow, that is fantastic Meg. I don't think I'll ever do it, but what great information. Love Chris
meganne, Thank you so much for posting this info. I have been to her site, and I'm a member of her yahoo group.
Thanks for this. Learning to digitise was my New Year Resolution but I haven't got far yet!
beware, it's even more addictive than collecting freebies and then of course you start collecting free artwork. LOL!!!
Hugs, Meg
Meganne, I do not digistise but you never know when I may want to try...thanks I have marked this for later...Hugs Sally