it looks excellent i could use a few of these do you need my address??lol carolyn
Well you sure are organized, even if you do have to take a bunch out to get to what you want. Mine are just all over the place. I have some extra pegs on my thread stand and I put tiny ponytail stretch things on the bobbin and stack 2 on each peg so I have to take them off to search for the color I need.
Great work Lyn, i like your box very much. Here, everything is clear and tidy. *******
Lyn, this is a very nice way to store your bobbins - it is too bad you don't have shelves for each one - to make it easier to get each box out - without disturbing the others.
What a nice case and now all your bobbins are together and you can see which one you will need next. *4U
Thank You. It really isn't as good as it looks. For some reason the bobbin need is always in the bottom box and I have to take all of them out to find it. Such is Life I guess.