by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

I thought you would all like to see what I do with the off-cuts from

water-soluble stabilizer. When I make something in the 5x7 hoop, I usually
have enough left over from the sides of the design, which enables me to
fold it over and put it in the 4x4 hoop, and lay another piece of WSS on
the top, so nothing gets wasted, and these little flowers will be used to decorate something.


by nglover1 16 Mar 2008

I have down the same as ddoersch, I am taking a crazy quilt class and these little flowers & butterflies make great embellishments. . I also save my WSS you can always find a use. A flower for your beautiful flowers

ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thank you very much.

shirlener88 by shirlener88 17 Mar 2008

What happened to your cute picture - I can't find you so easily.

by elaine45 16 Mar 2008

Very pretty!

1 comment
ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thank you Elaine

by joaniessw 16 Mar 2008

Lovely add ons for clothes, quilts, gift tags. Gr8 use of scraps. When I use WSS I will keep all small scraps in a zip lock baggie...can even make a spray from it....just put the spray in the fridge afterwards so it won't go moldy. *4Ur beautiful *'s

1 comment
ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thanks for the tip about making a spray
from WSS scraps. With all the scraps I've got, I would have to buy another fridge, especially to keep them in !!

by shirlener88 16 Mar 2008

Pat, you do use your stabilizer wisely, I have been known to do the same. Thanks. I really love flowers and butterflies. Who is the designer, perhaps

ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thanks Shirlene, the designer for the
flowers is Ace Points, through Secrets
of Embroidery. 3D FSL Flowers

shirlener88 by shirlener88 17 Mar 2008

OK - I will have to get these. I have some 3D flowers from the same web site but through and the designer is A Bit of a Stitch.

by dkjack 16 Mar 2008

Great idea. I save all my scraps but haven't used them yet. :)

1 comment
ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thank you. Those scraps certainly add
up don't they??

by stickmuster 16 Mar 2008

Very nice flowers! As a decoration on light summer blouses or clothes I can fancy. Flowers for you

1 comment
ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Thank you Hilda.

by ddoersch 16 Mar 2008

Great idea.. I do a lot of crazy quilting and these would be great to add to as motifs..

1 comment
ron111otter by ron111otter 16 Mar 2008

Crazy quilting is something I haven't
done yet, not really sure how to start.
Do you do yours in the hoop?