Meg, I am so sorry that you are so distressed over the things of the world - I see it more and more as the end of times - it has to be - one way or the other - an end of the horrid things that are happening - it can not continue - this times have to stop - it might get worse - before it can get better - we must pray - but it isn't us - that God wants to hear from - now is it? It is those that are controlling it all - making it the way that it is - it is those people that need to turn their thinking around and Let Go and Let God - that needs to happen to make the change. If you can reach them and get them to thinking that way that we do - then we might see a change in the situation - the weather - must be part of it - to some degree - for it is His way of getting peoples attention - the turmoil that comes from all the these disasters and wars - is a way to get people to care for the other and to get to their knees. I will be praying earnestly with the rest of the CUTE family.
I agree with you. Have just watched the Sky news, and seen all you are talking about. Also pray regularly, and know God will help us when he thinks time is right.
We must just not lose faith.
Hgs and God bless
I do believe that God will soon say, "Enough is enough" and do away with this world as it is now and start anew. Mankind has certainly made a mess of civilization!
I have been praying for a long time for peace!!!!God help us all!
Oh Meganne, that is how I've been feeling the past several days. All I want to do is just cry everytime I hear of something bad that has happened. I heard this am that the americans that were hijacked by somalians were murdered, I cried in the shower. I just wish it would all end. I am going to lunch with some good friends today and almost feel quilty that my life is so much better then some of the other places. All I can do is pray for all those that are going thru such tragedy's. I know our Lord hears us. Carol
OH NO! Were they killed? OMG what is this world coming to? I had heard they were hijacked but hadn't heard anything further.
And on the news here tonight was the story of the American step mother who killed her 10 year old Australian step daughter and cut up her body and disposed of it.
The little girl had a prosthetic leg, I think they said she was also blind and had cancer. She never stood a chance.
I am sick to the stomach thinking of all these terrible things.
I just keep praying for some sanity to return to our world.
Hugs and blessings, Meganne
Meganne, my daughter & I have been having this same talk. I agree we should all pray that, is what is missing in so many lives. I know the Blessed Mother has said to pray the rosary for peace. I really want a peaceful world for my grandkids. Arlene
Oh Meg... I do feel your concern. I too become greatly saddened with what is going on in the world, but I do know the Word of GOD says these things will happen when we're nearing the end.
I was just talking to my husband about how the USA used to be a great nation highly respected around the globe... one my grandparents were honored to imigrate to... now it's one that I don't even recognize. I believe a lot will happen before the end comes. My prayer is that it happens quickly and the LORD returns for His people very, very soon.
Hugs from Texas. teri
Yes Terri<Your right it is to get worse not better & the main thing is to be ready when he appears in the sky.carolyn
Teri, I watched a movie called "Knowing", with Nicholas Cage, and I think it is one that everyone should see, especially the world leaders. The ending left me shell shocked and I keep seeing it over and over in my mind.
Then of course there is Nostradamus as Edith mentioned and all the documentaries about the apocalypse and global warming predictions and the 2012 Armageddon prediction and you can't help but wonder if all these many other signs really are the beginning of the end.
I think the world is a far scarier place now than during the cold war years living under the threat of a nuclear war.
I am so glad I am not alone in this thinking.
Hugs n love, Meg
I have been feeling just as you Meganne, where will it end. I have been reminded in my mind of Nostradamus and his last prediction. Pray it will not happen. Like you I want a good world to follow for our grandchildren. I now bless every day. Hugs Edith
Sorry, last night I posted Christchurch Australia.... should have been NZ......I should have known better, I think I was just very upset! MY thoughts and prayers are with the people there.....And all over the world. Meganne I feel the same way, I want my grandchidren to have happy productive LONG lives.