raels I use polyester most of the time . I like the sheen that my thread has ( marathon.com ) Shamrocks all around .
i've done 100's of embroideries and found both work terrific, but rayon will bleach out even with powdered bleaches, other than that both look great.
I mostly use rayon because that is more readily available in my area and has larger spool of thread here. But I have heard also what the others have said about the quality and washability.
raels, I use both and never have a problem with puckering, I even use them both in the same project, still with no puckering problem. Hugs and flowers.
I use always polyester thread- maybe because it`s the only thread in our shop that I can buy.If I want rayon I had to order it.I have been told also that polyester stands more wash than rayon , so it`s better to use it in materials that will often be washed.
From everything I have read, if the project will be washed, a lot polyester is best. Rayon has more sheen, but will fade with some washing procedures. Tomanpete
well raels i use Brother, QA, or La Sarta (spotlights brand) all 100% polyester i do have airplane that someone got for me but that is Viscose rayon and i have not tried that yet. I have Birch varigated thread that is silco thread it is 100% cotton ive not used it yet though. So i have really only used polyester so far.* 4 u
nurselilly, I have some of the Birch 100% cotton, it is thicker than other embroidery threads, and it's best not to use with a dense design, looks beautiful used for redwork though.
It depends on what you are using it on. Polyester is more colorfast, but rayon tends to have a prettier shine to it. Yes, polyester will stretch, but rayon will too. It is when thread doesn't stretch at all that you have a problem (it breaks!) and stretching thread shouldn't cause any noticible puckering in your embroidery. It would be the stretching of the fabric itself that causes the ripples and puckers.
I personally us Rayon because I like the superior sheen, but I understand that polyester is getting better all of the time. I don't use Rayon on anything that will be bleached, as it won't hold up for that. ;)
thanks I have been told polyester stretches and that is why some embroideries pucker