by drcindyl 24 Feb 2011

towels have a tightly woven band or stripe located 2-3 inches from edge that is not big enough to embroider on. Most towels that come pre-embroidered in the stores have been on embroidered on towels with large tightly woven embroidery surface. I have looked everywhere and can only find the stripe or just all terry.


by mops Moderator 24 Feb 2011

I too found that those borders often shrink. That's why I often use an embossed area to place my enbroidery on, either as an oval shield with border or a cross hatched area roughly the shape of the embroidery and slightly larger; the latter works well on fake fur too.

by shazells 24 Feb 2011

I have found that by embroidering on the tightly woven band on the towels it shrinks when washed I found it better to stitch on the towel itself hugs Shazells****