by manami 25 Feb 2011

Hopefully I will have fun doing some shopping at 100 yen shop (dolar shop) :)

I will miss you my Cute family.
Hugs and blessings,


by obaachan 25 Feb 2011

Wishing you safe travels Yoriko, and a very enjoyable journey!

by asterixsew Moderator 25 Feb 2011

Enjoy being with your family and being in Japan. I am sorry that you will not be able to spend more time with Yukio but I know that the time you spend with him will be very precious to you both.
Is there cherry blossom out yet where you will be in Japan?
Lastly enjoy your visit to the 100 yen shop. They are brilliant and the choice...also brilliant. I love 100 yen shops too.
Take care, sayonara, Caroline

1 comment
obaachan by obaachan 25 Feb 2011

I too enjoyed looking thru the 100 yen shops , but was a bit disappointed that most things in it were imported from China!

by noah 25 Feb 2011

Good for you i am happy for you have a great,blessed time big hugs from carolyn

by edie 25 Feb 2011

Yoriko, Have a wouderful with your new grandson.
We want to see pics of him too
HUgs Edie

by cclark 25 Feb 2011

Have a wonderful trip. Hug that grandson for all of us. Grandkids are the best! Charla

by maryanns66 25 Feb 2011

I hope you have a safe trip and enjoy this special time with your new grandson and family. Take lots of pictures to share your happiness with us. You will be missed at Cute.
Hugs and *4U

by bevintex 25 Feb 2011

Yoriko, how wonderful it is you get to spend time with your family. Enjoy every minute you spend with them. I hope you get some good bargains at the dollar shop. Have a great time

by blueeyedblonde 25 Feb 2011

I can't imagine just how excited you are to be seeing your family! I know how excited I get just going to see my youngest grandchildren and they only live a little over an hour away!
I would sure like to be joining you in the dollar store - they are my favorite places to shop.
Have a good holiday and enjoy your family. Don't spoil those grandchildren too much (but as my mother used to say she didn't spoil them, she just loved them). I'm sure you will enjoy that new grandson. Take care.

by dilceia 25 Feb 2011

Have a great time!!! I am happy for you!!!

Deus te acompanhe! Sentiremos sua falta!

by tippi 25 Feb 2011

Hope your trip is great. Take lots of pictures so we can enjoy them. Have fun shopping.

getEdited - SELECT
by holly12 25 Feb 2011

Have a wonderful trip,enjoy yourself and esp. your new grandson. Please relax while you are there. Arlene

by sewmom 25 Feb 2011

Have a wonderful trip! I hope to see grandson pictures:)

by leenova54 25 Feb 2011

That is wonderful Yoriko, I am glad you feel up to traveling and that you will be able to see your family as I am sure you miss them! Relax and have a nice time.

by trovato 25 Feb 2011

Have a great time there and enjoy jour new grandson and ofcourse come back save, Yvonne

by airyfairy 25 Feb 2011

Have a wonderful time Yoriko and enjoy your new grandson. Take care. Hugs Sarah.

by ken174 25 Feb 2011

So good to hear from you! Have a fantastic trip and be safe! Enjoy that baby !!! ~ San

by quiltgrama 25 Feb 2011

Safe trip and a wonderful visit, hugs Lisa

by sorval 25 Feb 2011

wow this is great to hear
i hope you have a lovely time in Japan
and you can spoil your baby grandson
hugs Sonja

by alexgrandma 25 Feb 2011

Have a great time!!! I am happy for you!!!

by almag 25 Feb 2011

Dear Yoriko - how wonderful that you are planning a trip back to see your family and meet your new little grandson!! I do wish you the very best of travelling comfort and safety. You'll be so excited to see your older son and his family again and spoil those little grand-daughters, as well as being able to catch up with Yukio and his loving foster family. It will settle your heart to see where and with whom he is living.
I rather envy you the visit to the 100 yen shop - I'd be making definite plans to spend lots and lots of 100 yen - but have a great time and enjoy yourself while you're there and catch up with the latest wonders.

Best of all .... it is such grand news that you are now well and healthy enough to make the trip with plans to enjoy every minute of it. Two weeks goes very quickly so I wish you every joy in every moment when you see your family and your homeland again.

We'll all be here when you come back, waiting for pictures and news.
Return safely to us.
Much love,

by rmj8939 25 Feb 2011

Be safe and enjoy your visit.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Lily, thank you so much!

by modo 25 Feb 2011

Hope you have a nice time

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Michele, thank you so much!

by gerryvb 25 Feb 2011

dear Yoriko, we will miss you too but enjoy the family visit have fun and I hope you do some great shopping, Have a safe trip!hugs/love for you.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Dear Gerry, thank you so much!

by beatie58 25 Feb 2011

Yoriko, have such a great visit with your family and your grandchildren. Enjoy! We will miss you here on cute. Safe trip. Hugs Sally

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Sally, thank you so much! I will miss you all.

by mops Moderator 25 Feb 2011

Dear Yoriko, I hope you'll have a lovely trip, enjoy seeing your children and grandchildren, and be able to buy some lovely goodies. Hugs and love, Martine

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Dear Martine, thank you! My other son said that there is 100 yen shop (dollar shop) with all 4 floors full of items. I can spend hours in one floor already, just imagine 4 floors :)

by giddygoat 25 Feb 2011

Have a wonderful time & a safe trip.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Viv, thank you so much!

by nannynorfolk 25 Feb 2011

Wow, i bet your excited!!!.Have a great time..Hugs

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Thank you so much Nannynorfolk :)

by pennifold 25 Feb 2011

Dear Yoriko,

I wish you a wonderful trip and I bet you can't wait to see your new grandson? How exciting for you and I know the two weeks will go so fast. I hope you have lots of opportunities to go out and shop and bring back some lovely goodies and wonderful ideas for your beautiful embroideries. Please send some pictures of Yukio too and of course some of your grandchildren and elder son and daughter in law. I notice Jacqui hopes the Cherry Blossoms will be in bloom but I notice they won't be out till late March. Love and blessings Chris

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Dear Chris, thank you! Yes, I cant wait to see my son Yukio, he has been in my thoughts every minute...Now he is with this foster family, far away from the city my other sons live, I'm afraid I will be able to see him only once. The important is that he is happy and the family just loves him. Hugs, Yoriko

by jacquipaul 25 Feb 2011

Dear Yoriko,
It sounds like a wonderful trip to go and see the family and I hope the cherry blossoms will be in full bloom. We'll miss you too, and hope you have a relaxing time, enjoying every minute of your time with your family.
Hugs and love,

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Dear Jacqueline, thank you so much. I'm afraid I wont see any cherry blossoms, it is too early. But I'll take pictures anyway. :)

by fannyfurkin 25 Feb 2011

Have a great time and we will catch up when you get back. Have a safe trip.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Yes, I'm looking forward to meeting you. Thank you Alice!

by shirlener88 25 Feb 2011

Travel safely.

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Thank you Shirlene!

by crafter2243 Moderator 25 Feb 2011

Have a save trip and most of all enjoy every minute with your family. Looking forward to looking at picture of the new grandson. Hugs Angie

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

I can't wait to see my first grandson! I have 2 GDs. I'll post pictures :)

by cherylgauteng 25 Feb 2011

All of my best wishes go with you. Enjoy it !!!

1 comment
manami by manami 25 Feb 2011

Cheryl, thank you!