by ezzemml 18 Mar 2008

Is there people like me that when they cant find thoes favorite scissors go and buy more and of all different kinds and they still don't have the cut and feel of those old favorites


by jrob Moderator 31 Mar 2008

My 7 year old grandson started walking away from my sewing machine with my embroidery scissors asking,"Granma, why do your scissors have a ribbon tied.....oh" he was going to say, why is the ribbon tied on them, just as he was stopped in his tracks from LEAVING the area with them. Not even the grands get to use "my" scissors! :)

by mops Moderator 31 Mar 2008

When we were first married my husband used my favourite pair to cut wet wallpaper, paste and all, because the all purpose kitchen pair wasn't good enough. I must have made quite an impression, because it never happened again. Then I had to educate the kids. Wonder whether I'll have to do the same all over again with the grandchildren... But that first pair, there is nothing like it. Or is it just the memories attached to them.

by katydid 30 Mar 2008

I agree. My favorite pair and I still use them is a 7" bent handle made by WISS steel forged #127 made in USA. I don't know if the company even exists anymore. I bought them in 1960 when I was a freshman in college for a class called "silk dress". I think Gingher makes one very similar, but the bent angle is a little different. my family was forbidden to use them.

by shirlener88 30 Mar 2008

I have so many that I am not sure which is my favorite - they each have a purpose and I use them - just for that purpose - Hehehe! *4U

by dlonnahawkins 30 Mar 2008

I think this has happened to all of us. I dare anyone to go into my sewing room for shears! I have a drawer in my kitchen where I keep paper shears for when the grandkids need something, or my husband needs something done. He keeps his own hears on his work bench in the garage, but often complains his are not sharp - stay away from mine!

by marjialexa Moderator 30 Mar 2008

I wouldn't be without my Ginghers. I can't always find them, because they have material (or a cat) on top of them, but they don't leave the sewing room. They're never very lost, or for long. That was one of my few instructions to DH when we got married: if you touch these, you die. My machine dealer sharpens scissors, and got a burr out of the Gingers that happened when I dropped them. You can also send them back to the factory, and they'll put the knife edge back on them. People sell Ginghers on eBay (not dealers, but regular people) for some low prices that are more than worth it.

by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

ezzemml, I don't lose my scissors, they live on my sewing table, but I have to admit that ,when I go shopping, if I see a pair of scissors that I don't have - I have to buy them. I have all types, shapes and sizes you can think of, haha! Hugs and a flower sweetie.

by z43mak 30 Mar 2008

My problem isn’t that I can’t find my favorite scissors, but my husband. I had the best pair of German scissors that cut fabric like a dream. One day I saw my husband cutting out some marker flags from plastic, and he was using some silver scissors. When I asked where he found them, he remarked that he found them in one of my drawers, and that they cut better than any scissors he had ever used. I wanted to cry, he couldn’t understand why I was so upset; they don’t cut my fabric anymore.

ruthie by ruthie 30 Mar 2008

z43mak, message for your husband - !@#$%^&*!@#$%^&*!!! Only kidding sweetie, but I could have cried with you. My DH *knows* not to use my fabric scissors for *anything* at all, and he's very good about it. Hugs and a flower sweetie.

cutiepie by cutiepie 31 Mar 2008

z43mak, I don't know if you will see this, but try this. Take your scissors and a sewing machine needle. Make like you are trying to cut the shank off of the needle (running your scissors up and down on the needle) and see if your super edge is returned. Then, threaten your husband with death or dismemberment if he touches them again.

by joaniessw 30 Mar 2008

Oh yes. I "STILL" haven't found my pinking shears i mentioned that I lost a while ago... Now I read meganne misses hers from 40 yrs ago. Oh my dear :/ *'s 4U both

1 comment
meganne by meganne 30 Mar 2008

Funny how things just disappear, I thinks it's the pixies. LOL! My first job, when i was 14, was machinist in a milinery factory and the scissors i used then were made of solid sheffield steel, (no plastic handles those days). I lost them sometime, somehow, somewhere, and have no idea when, how or where????? Hope you find your pinkers, cheers & cyberose, Meganne

by meganne 29 Mar 2008

Oh yes, I still miss my original shears from 40 odd years ago, never did find out what happened to them??? but maybe they seem better in memory than what they actually were LOL! My current pair are really quite good when i think about it. cheers & cyberose for you, Meganne