I can relate especially at bedtime. I can tell you ladies one thing though, I think it is limited to the female brain. I never see men having this problem. Seems like as soon as my husband or sons head hit the pillow they are out!
This is sooo true!
My mind also revs up when my head hits the pillow.I don't get any sleep and then I'm too tired to do anything the next day!! lol!
Oh my goodness - that must have been a shock - I hope that you didn't tell DH and just flip it over in the sugar bowl - Hehehe! I do have days like that all the time - can't get my body moving as fast as my mind.
Oh - it could have been that easy - he was right there - as he says, "dumb ole girl". LOL
My mind always seems to be racing ahead of my body. I can't do things as fast as I'd like and my mind gets way ahead of me. Hopefully soon I'll be back to normal and be able to get more things done and then maybe my mind won't be quite so far ahead.
Our bodies never seem to keep up to our mind, so you'll just have to get used to it like the rest of us - always too many things we can think of to do!
Thanks for the giggle I needed it! This is something I would do!!!
Be glad that mode has been going only for a couple of days!! I have days like that on a regular basis now, and I won't allow any one to diagnose my condition. LOL
I prefer to call it "brain overload", cause by TOO MANY things on my mind at one time!!
I try to be organized, but lately can't seem to get it done. I am blamining it on the allergy medication that I am taking for our beautiful Florida pollen.
I have the same problem. Unfortunately I don't know what to blame it on. I guess I will have to start calling them "senior moments" Ha!
Goodness--I did not know you knew me sooo well. Haha!! This is true of me untill I go to bed--then my mind does 150MPH and it will not let my body sleep. H&*
I know how that is too. I stay up late, and then most times can't sleep well - mind won't shut off.
I am the same and I am usually thinking about embroidery and what projects that I can do next. H&*