by silverhair672003 27 Feb 2011

I have a mini magic box. I can't get it to work on Windows 7..does anyone have any suggestions?


by knitty46 28 Feb 2011

If you get a new computer you need to just go to a website and download it for Win 7. I had to for my PE Design box. I thought I had to get a new one

by airyfairy 28 Feb 2011

I also have a mini magic box and considering getting a new computer - you really have got me worried now. Try going into their site and seeing if there is any information on this. It may have something to do with how old your magic box is. It would be the end of the world for me if I could not use my magic box. I hope you find a solution.

by ramona 27 Feb 2011

Sorry, I don't know what a "magic box" is. I'll send this back to the top for you though. Good luck!