by mary51 28 Feb 2011

from an English speaking country, but if that is the way this site is going to be I will not post from now on.


by peggy 02 Mar 2011

Please say it "ain't" so.

1 comment
lindalee757 by lindalee757 03 Mar 2011

LMAO-that should draw some attention-but it is in the English dictionary-I don't say ain't but that's just me. I can still remember the verse we learned when we were kids-
Don't say ain't, your mother will faint
Your father will fall in a bucket of paint- Never made any sense,but when you're a kid not much does.

by rachap 02 Mar 2011

How lucky we would be if we knew as much of your native tongue as you do of our English!! Like so many have already said, don't let one person spoil everything.

by seaonsglory 02 Mar 2011

me finks we shood just laff it oph and pay no atention to who eva maid that coment......Hows that!

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011


lindalee757 by lindalee757 03 Mar 2011

LOL-troublemaker!! keep on smilin'

by weistling 02 Mar 2011

maybe they thought they were being helpful? I just can't believe that someone would really be rude. But even if she was, the rest of us love to hear from folks from outher countries. I am always amazed at what a good command of the English language people who do not speak it as their first language have. Stay with us, please

by marleymoo 02 Mar 2011

Mary, I cant really say anything, its all been said below already. Dont give up on Cutie because of 1 person.
On another topic, I am from Ireland and my husband and I went to the Dominican Republic to get married there! We even went back to the same place we got married on our 3rd wedding anniversary, I LOVE DOM REP so much!!!! You are so lucky to live there! :)

mary51 by mary51 02 Mar 2011

I am from Cuba,my dh and I retired and made DR our second home, I love it!!!!

marleymoo by marleymoo 02 Mar 2011

We,ve been to Cuba twice! Been to Havana, Varadero, and the Cayo Coco's.....Cuba is the one place in the world I always want to be!!! Im so happy to have met you!

by lbrow 02 Mar 2011

Mary if you purchase a barrell of apples you are always going to find a few mixed in that you do not want. You simply discard them & keep eating the good ones. Point is Cute always has been & I think will continue to be the best site on the Internet for machine embroidery & friends. Do not let a few pans keep you away, just soak up the pats, ignore the pans & keep on enjoying what cute has to offer. You are most welcome among us./Lillian

by shop 02 Mar 2011

Please do not let this discourage you. I have lived in many countries other than the US (my home) and as expatriots we always called people like the one who felt the need to correct you an Ugly American. Please believe me when I say that the majority of us are not like this and appreciate our friends and neighbors from all countries and love that you want to learn our language. Can this rude person speak yours? Please stay on our site and just laugh at this small minded person. We are so glad you are here!!1

by linda8450 02 Mar 2011

It is my urdensatnidng taht the bairn wrkos in mtseyirous wyas! If all the ltetres are icnldued in a wrod, and the fisrt and lsat letrtes are pclaed cortrelcy, tehn our biran trlansaets the inromfaotin and we can raed it! Can you?
I only speak/read/write English, my Mother was a stickler for proper use of the language/spelling/etc. I would have been skinned alive (lol) for dangling a participle. But I am now 67 years young. I sew but don't cook. I get grief for that. I get grief from folks because I don't go to Sunday School (just church services as they start at 10:30am and I like to sleep late). I have earned the right to sleep as late as I want, sometimes noon, stay up as late as I want, sometimes 2am and do as I want. If I choose to write a comment, I have good intentions. If I want to offend someone, I would not do it here, I would go out on a street corner and correct THEIR English! I hope we can try to understand others, try to communicate in a manner that allows others to understand us, and keep our English lessons in a classroom (1961 was a very good year!). If the folks here want lessons I bet they would know where to find them, but I personally think they just want to talk with others in a relaxed and comfortable manner, not watch their p's and q's! Nuff said?? Linda

obaachan by obaachan 02 Mar 2011

Well "said" Linda !!!

lindalee757 by lindalee757 03 Mar 2011

Touche' Nuff said and well said!!! And I have to say-Linda's seem to be all over the place these days! Have a good one, from one Linda to another ~linda~

lindalee757 by lindalee757 03 Mar 2011

P.S.I could read and understand your 1st paragraph-our brains DO work in mysterious ways

by simplyrosie 02 Mar 2011

Oh how silly is this! Why on earth would someone want to correct your grammer... haven't they been told that those in glass houses shouldn't throw stones! Mary, I'm educated and grew up with strict tutors, and I STILL can't write correctly all of the time. My goodness, haven't we all learned from this forum YET that we are here to LOVE and RESPECT each other. I embrase those from other countries and encourage them in their use of the English language. I for one would suffer greatly in their country trying to communicate!

People, stop throwing stones at each other! Protect, encourage, edify and support each other... if you can't do that, LEAVE THIS FORUM. I'm tired of the the wolves coming in sheep's clothing attacking the lovely people on CUTE.


quiltgrama by quiltgrama 02 Mar 2011

Thank you sweet Terri, have a great day

mariahail by mariahail 02 Mar 2011

Well said!!!****

mary51 by mary51 02 Mar 2011

/thank you!

by queenofhearts 02 Mar 2011

That was just plain rude. please do not think badly of everyone because the actions of one person.

by edithfarminer 02 Mar 2011

I am totally shocked as a dutch born person that you had that reply to comment on your english. My god, do ask that person what other languege she may speak or is she one of those that just shouts and think people will than understand. Oh yes I have seen plenty of English persons do so and it has me in stitches. As a foreigner you should be admired for trying and I always tell people so who are afraid to try to speak another language. Miss Veronika's reply was most kind and understanding and just right. please do continue to join in.

by moyed 02 Mar 2011


getEdited - SELECT
by test 02 Mar 2011

I am sure, we always will understand each other, even with errors:)))

moyed by moyed 02 Mar 2011

Veronika, you are a beautiful understanding Person, Thank you for all you do. Helen

mary51 by mary51 04 Mar 2011

Thank you Miss V.

by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011

I see that people have all given you the advice to not worry about this and keep on posting. Although this is good advice it is not that easy to take it. I for one don't post here as much as I used to and I know other ladies who have stayed away for long periods of time and all because of one rude person (not the one who corrected your grammar). I just wonder if these people are so thick skinned that they don't realize what it is like to be really hurt by rude comments. I just don't know. But if you can work your way through it and keep posting that would be the best thing. I could be criticized for my spelling right now because I am writing in US spelling and live in Australia. but I do this because most of the ladies here would be used to US spelling. I also spent way to long doing university studies to be bothered with being completely grammaticality correct when I am just typing a quick response for something that is supposed to be fun.

sewlikedawn by sewlikedawn 02 Mar 2011

You have been nothing but kind in your posts and when I was new to the site I posted a question of sharing designs and didn't know it was a no no. I figured if the designs are free why not share?
You were very kind in explaining to me why the sharing of designs was wrong.

But I did have a couple of people rip my head off! I almost left the site for good. But even though I was upset about the very mean posts.
I realized that there were so many more very kind and sweet people on the site. Thank you for helping me!
Hugs Dawn

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011

Thank you Dawn. You are very sweet.

airyfairy by airyfairy 02 Mar 2011

I have also been hurt on this site - I am now very careful of what I say. Thank goodness most of the people on this site are extremely kind, loving and helpful.

by poohbear 02 Mar 2011

Maybe that person just realize she had to rip out a whole design and is just being cranky. Don't let her ruin something you enjoy. Besides we would miss you!!!!

by sewlikedawn 01 Mar 2011

My husband asked me why I loved going to Cutie all the time? I told him that I would be texting back and forth from people all over the world and how exciting it was!

I love every minute of it! I am not going to spend my time making sure that all of my texts are perfect.

I have gotten stung before but I chose to ignore it.
Please be kind and understanding that we all are not perfect.
I been gone for a day and a half and been on cute trying to catch up for the last hour!

Love and Hugs to all!

by kiffuri 01 Mar 2011

Don't worry about it!

by lucypiwow 01 Mar 2011


1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011

Lucy that is so sad. I do know how you feel but I think there are to many nice people here to let the nasty ones get you down. Everyone has something to contribute whether it is asking questions or answering them. I know it is hard but it is better to ignore rude people. I have myself posted something that was taken a bit differently than how I intended it.

by teddybear117 01 Mar 2011

I would think we would make better use of our time by embroidering and to stop nit picking small insignificant short comings. I know I have been tired when leaving a message at times and had someone commented I just might have 'gotten my big girl panties in a bunch'. To err is human.

1 comment
fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011

Well said.

by mary51 01 Mar 2011

Thank you lflanders. I am O.K. now and I do not think I could be one full day without going to this site I love you all!! I would like to win the lotto and send tickets to everyone so you could visit this beautiful island , Dominican Republic. Just now while I am typing I am listening to the waves. have a nice day. God bless you.

asterixsew by asterixsew 01 Mar 2011

Thanks Mary

devon by devon 01 Mar 2011

Glad that you are going to stay with us!! We are family!!! DeVon

simplyrosie by simplyrosie 02 Mar 2011

OMGosh Mary... I'm coming now. I miss the beach in San Diego (where I'm from). I HATE living in the middle of a flat state (Texas) with no beach. Let me pack my bags.. .I'm on my way! hehe

theduchess by theduchess 02 Mar 2011

make a day trip to CC. I do often.Galveston is not too far either.Great shopping.I am from SPI.

by moyed 01 Mar 2011

Just a thought. If we stopped to correct every grammer error we see or hear, there would be NO time for conversation. I hear double negatives all the time as I deal with many people in the welfare system who have limited education and social skills. (eg I didnt do nuthin)I listen to what they are meaning to say, that way I really do understand where they are coming from. Take time to hear to the meanings not only listen to the words. Take time to love and care for each other. Mary, take heart, we do love you here. Hugs. Helen.

by asterixsew Moderator 01 Mar 2011

Mary PLEASE dont go I love reading your posts and gaining from them. I also admire the Cuties who post in English and follow what is going on who do not use the language all the time. I live where there is a second language and am fully aware of frustrations caused by errors so I really appreciate all your efforts. I came here for the embroidery.

by bevgrift 01 Mar 2011

Embroidery and helpfulness is the best that this site has.
Please stay.
Hugs Bev

by sorval 01 Mar 2011

this is a emb site
and i am a not english person
i live in the Netherlands and a lott people have correct me all the time when i write it wrong
i can only say i love to learn real good english
this is my way to learn english
and i chat most times with people who talk english
and yes when i see they write it wrong i help them also
but its only a little love help
but some use slang dialect lol
well i am not stupid and i think real fast
but i know also we all need the help from other persons
dont take it to personel
now i can only hope that i have write it good
on the other site they will help me again and i love that
hugs Sonja

maryanns66 by maryanns66 01 Mar 2011

Sister I'm so happy to see what you have written here, because I know you do very well with English!! I am vefry very proud of you and honored you are my Sister! And you have taught so much and I know you are very smart. I am the computer dummy and you are my teacher!! And I love and thank you for everything you teach me!

And you know I can not write, or speak your language, but we sure have fun for years now helping each other and the best part is we understand what each other writes/talks about and that is so special!!
Love and hugs, Zuster/Sister!!
And *4U

noah by noah 02 Mar 2011

yes maryanne i totally agree with about our friend Sonja .She is one of a kind & i to love her & have enjoyed her teachings :):carolyn

by clawton 01 Mar 2011

Don't worry about it. Most of us don't proof read what we write. If we did it would take too much time to visit and comment. I have found the edit button useful as I have corrected some things in the past. However, sometimes we tend to read into the written word things that don't exist. We can't see expressions and so forth. Sorry you had this experience.

by eleen 01 Mar 2011

On a lighter note I perhaps need to tell you what happened to me on another site. A person responded in an unknown language and I was so curious I just had to know what she had said. Obviously I translated it through a translation program and then realized but with this program I can speak any language I wanted so I replied in her language by using the translation program. A week later she responded but I could not remember what I had said - so I translated my answer back again and I was so embarrassed. According to the post I addressed her as Hi my China which to us is very unladylike and definitely not the way I talk. I've never seen my husband laugh so much. That is trying to be clever. Further to one of the answers below. My home language is Afrikaans and in the week I helped my youngest with her public speaking for school. We ended up by saying that Afrikaans is one of the most creative languages in the world but probably the most difficult to learn. Her example was the word "button" in Afrikaans which is "knoop" Well this word has 10 different meanings in our language which can be quite confusing. Hope I've made you smile.

airyfairy by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

You certainly made me laugh. Sarah (South Africa)

mops by mops 01 Mar 2011

You beat us, Dutch has only 9 meanings for 'knoop'. Hihi.

eleen by eleen 01 Mar 2011

Mpos - Hehe maybe the "afrikaans" language inventors were just a bit more lazy in creating another word so they used a well known word.
Sarah - I am glad if I made you laugh, I for one need a lot of laughs in a day to survive. Best is most of the time I find myself doing things which in the end I am laughing at.

by michele921 01 Mar 2011

Mary I wouldn't worry aabout it, sorrry someone thinks your english is bad seems good to me LOL I am english and I have a hard time writing things, have very bad habits, took a class with an english proffesor told him my word kept tell me passive brought my paper in and asked what did it mean? he said oh we never want to write in passive. I asked can I have my paper back LOL needless to say non of us is perfect and english is not the only language in the world. Some of us (meaning me) can't even write in our own languages right so just shrug it off and sew something LOL that's what I do. it's part of the reason I don't post a lot. takes me so long to write things not worth it.

by lflanders 01 Mar 2011

I do hope you realize that some people were not taught proper manners and they speak without thinking about others feelings. I do speak English and at times I slander the language. Sometimes on purpose(slang) and sometimes not. We love having you here and would not want to hurt your feelings in any way! Please do not be offended by what one person says. I am sure it was not done to hurt your feelings. You are a very important part of the group and I would hate for you to be hurt by anyone. Whoever it was most likely did not mean to hurt feelings but was just making a "school yard" remark. I know that I even make remarks sometimes that I wonder afterwards if I should have not said differently but by no means do I intend to hurt feelings. Also, remember some of our members are very young and just out of school and starting "life" on the hard side of the road with new family,jobs and new friends. They have to learn the hard way just like we did when we were first turned loose on our own. Lord, that was years ago! I know I was a bit of a smart mouth when I was very much younger and I can still hang in there with some of the younger ones in our family. Of course I am much more careful what I say now although I still make a Boo Boo sometimes. Actually some of the younger crowd just do not realize they are hurting feelings when they are just trying to make conversation and fit in with everyone. We have all been through that stage in life. You know, speaking before we think, never thinking about it being something that might upset others. I know that I would hate to loose your imput here on Cute nor would I want to lose whoever made the remark without thinking that it might hurt feelings. I am sure that if you look closely, we all make remarks that could be taken wrong. I do hope that it was not done to hurt anyone but if it was, just ignor it because we all love having you right here! Do not let one person have an effect on the fun we all have here. We have some here that can speak no english but I do not know a second language either so I try to look at the picture and figure it out or use a translator. If I can not figure out exactly what they are trying to say, I chalk it up to my lack of skills. We have had very few here over the years that have made trouble on purpose. I missed what was said but I am sure it was not said to hurt feelings. Hugs and blessings, Linda

1 comment
moyed by moyed 01 Mar 2011

Linda, you are right about some people NOT have proper manners. There do seem to besome here unfortunately. Makes me think of glass houses...

by muflotex 01 Mar 2011

Dear Mary,
so sorry to hear this. Please stay, this is such a friendly community. As for the not (or none?)native speakers. I bet we do our best. Even with typos and leftout letters if typed quickly or even spelling mistakes. I look up special words in the dic too, but would I look up every word I am not sure (or shure?)about my "cutetime" would run though my fingers in no time. And for me it is even hard to find the right words to express my feelings and opinions so often it is just *s4U. Now I think, posting a lot and reading the posts carefully will improve my written english too. My five cents from Germany best regards Sue

by gerryb 01 Mar 2011

Aww, Mary, don't worry about it. Even we that speak it as our first language make tons of mistakes! Plus hit lots of wrong keys & hit submit before we "check it." No big deal. Personally I like to see folks send messages & think it's neat they are "speaking" in a second language. Glad you can't hear how we in East Tennessee miss up saying the word correctly! (At age 67 I still have to stop & think before saying "pants" or I'll say "paints"!) Besides, in a few yrs no one will know how to write correctly due to texting! :-) So you are ahead of the game!

by greysewist Moderator 01 Mar 2011

Sorry to hear you felt offended, but I do think the 'G' after the comment meant that it was intended in fun. We are a big variety of people here and don't always see things (or type them either) in the same way. Especially considering how many people we have involved in this site and from how many different cultures, I think we do a pretty good job of being encouraging and friendly.

by cclark 01 Mar 2011

I think we should forgive each other's mistakes. Pointing them out can cause hurt feelings. If someone feels the urge, please make it private. Charla

by fanniefrannie 01 Mar 2011

I have mixed feelings on this one. I am native English speaking, but learned a second language, Spanish. I speak it fairly, but still need improvement, which comes by receiving corrections. However, to write it--forget it. I appreciate anyone that can write anything in the complex English language. Please continue to post and improve your efforts in this language!!

by anangel 01 Mar 2011

I believe "tolerance" and "kindness" is to NOT point out
small errors one notices, even with good intentions! As a retired former teacher, the Cute site is NOT my classroom, nor are the thousands posting my students. It is my setting to learn from the diversity of others from this huge wonderful world we live in!
Lighten up, Cuties! We all have our differences, limitations, talents, which offer a delightful, learning experience each day! As to those of you from non English speaking countries, I applaud your efforts to communicate. Please continue to participate in this great community of talented and caring people. You are a special part of the Cute group! Welcome!

lflanders by lflanders 01 Mar 2011

Said very well! or good or whatever fits better! I am sure that almost everyone of us would agree with what you wrote!

muflotex by muflotex 01 Mar 2011


lindalee757 by lindalee757 01 Mar 2011

Well said Angel-2 thumbs up !! =O)

kiffuri by kiffuri 01 Mar 2011


airyfairy by airyfairy 02 Mar 2011

Well said.

holly12 by holly12 02 Mar 2011

Said beautifully. Thanks Arlene

fannyfurkin by fannyfurkin 02 Mar 2011

Well said.

by estherwaayenberg 01 Mar 2011

Another thought!! If you have been a member for a long time and there has been only one offensive reply and lots of positive replies. The possitive ones win.

by estherwaayenberg 01 Mar 2011

I understand your frustration. I probably wouldn't correct your grammar or spelling on just a comment but recently did send a notice of a correction of something that was incorrect in the spelling, in a design. It never entered my head that my correction would offend anyone. I wasn't rude with what I said, just drew it to her attention.
Can you tell us why you were offended? Do you think the person was rude for correcting you or were they rude in the way they corrected you?

mary51 by mary51 01 Mar 2011

I think it was the way, he should have send me a pm not a public one. I was just asking for the Easter egg not for an English lesson, he did not answer my question.

estherwaayenberg by estherwaayenberg 01 Mar 2011

That is true. When I was a manager of a bank, I never corrected anyone in public if I could possibly avoid it. I know I wouldn't want to be scolded in public.

by spendlove Moderator 01 Mar 2011

It wouldn't hurt any of us to check what we have typed before we click submit - just to make sure we have actually said what we mean't. So many of us who are brought up as English speakers have some idiosyncrasies which can be very confusing. We also use a lot of abbreviations which must be confusing to those who don't speak English.
I think it is good manners to make sure that we have spell checked our post (whatever language we write in) so that Google Translate has a reasonable chance of helping whoever is trying to read it! I have to use it a lot or I wouldn't be able to read many of the posts at all.

by mary51 01 Mar 2011

Thank you for all your support! God Bless you all.

by jillian 01 Mar 2011

please do not let this rude person put you off. I admire you for posting in English when you are not English speaking. I can see from your flowers that you have been a member for a long time.

by claudenicolas 01 Mar 2011

Hello Mary, I am French, and my english is bad, I am alwys using with a dictionnary But everybody here is very indulgent and helpful.If sometimes any Cuties has corrected my post, it was always to help me. Sometimes, I do not understand a word or a sentence, then, I ask some explanation to understand. Someones have had even the kindness to send to me a picture to explain to me to explain what they want to say.
Our site is international we have here friends all around the world, an unique langage is the best to understand each other, and english is the more speak here.
Mary, remain with us you are here on a marvelous site
Hugs Claude

mary51 by mary51 01 Mar 2011

I do too, i have a dictionary next to me all the time, but back to the point i think that was not the proper way to handle it.

spendlove by spendlove 01 Mar 2011

Your English is so much better than my French, Claude - with or without a dictionary!

by rmj8939 01 Mar 2011

Bless your heart, I am so sorry that someone did this but please excuse this one as she or he is not the majority.

by gerryvb 01 Mar 2011

sorry to read this. But please keep asking questions here, as long as we understand eachother,it does not have to be perfect English.Well there are a lot of other cuties who are willing to help ( correct English or not, perhaps this cutie thought she was helping by correcting the English text, don't know). So keep posting we will be there for you.

by almag 01 Mar 2011

Dear Mary - please feel surrounded by supportive friends. Please do not let an ill-judged, but still thoughtless and rather unkind, response spoil your enjoyment of sharing your knowledge of machine embroidery which you have obviously come to love. I, for one, always look for your avatar and read your messages and I would be very sad not to have that exchange of friendship. Look at how many flowers you have!!! That shows you are a valued and precious member of this community.
I look forward to seeing your messages as usual, in the future.
At times we must ride above comments that hurt - intended or otherwise - and at those times it's good to remember a mantra of mine......

"It's not how often we get knocked down that counts, but how many times we get up!"

With much love,


by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

Sorry pressed button twice!!!!!

1 comment
lindalee757 by lindalee757 01 Mar 2011

LOL-that just means twice the hugs Sarah

by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

For heavens sake this is an embroidery forum and not an English lesson site. I think that there are some amazing people here with very little English and they just write what they feel. I am sure that the person did not mean any harm and please do not let it stop you from being a Cutie. I was bought up in England and my mother was very strict about grammar but with all of that my spelling is atrocious and every time a word is underlined I make myself look it up in a dictionary. *4U and hugs - Sarah.

by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

For heavens sake this is an embroidery forum and not an English lesson site. I think that there are some amazing people here with very little English and they just write what they feel. I am sure that the person did not mean any harm and please do not let it stop you from being a Cutie. I was bought up in England and my mother was very strict about grammar but with all of that my spelling is atrocious and every time a word is underlined I make myself look it up in a dictionary. *4U and hugs - Sarah.

by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

For heavens sake this is an embroidery forum and not an English lesson site. I think that there are some amazing people here with very little English and they just write what they feel. I am sure that the person did not mean any harm and please do not let it stop you from being a Cutie. I was bought up in England and my mother was very strict about grammar but with all of that my spelling is atrocious and every time a word is underlined I make myself look it up in a dictionary. *4U and hugs - Sarah.

by emily16838 28 Feb 2011

Please don't let someone keep you from posting anything you want..I often look back at my posts and there so many mistakes. But like I tell my friends... I'm just glad they write...and not to worry about spelling or any errors I get the ides and I'm just glad to hear from them.

by sewmom 28 Feb 2011

I think I would only mention a spelling or misunderstanding if I needed to understand it better to answer the question. Occasionally the language barrier makes it difficult to get the proper point across.
But, however it was intended, I wouldn't take it too seriously and just go on with life.

I'm trying really hard to relax my spelling standards now that I text with my teenagers.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 01 Mar 2011

Boy, you got that right-when you have kids and texting comes into the picture-all proper grammer and spelling kinda goes out the window-takes forever to spell everything out-I have learned to shortcut on some words, but I still cringe when I purposely spell something wrong. And another point with all this cyber chat and posting-without actual face to face verbal-some comments lose something in the translation-sometimes a good thing-sometimes ....not so much

spendlove by spendlove 01 Mar 2011

Ha - my daughter writes all of her text messages with accurate spelling and punctuation! Woe betide me if I don't reply similarly.

nhsmith55 by nhsmith55 01 Mar 2011

My daughter does the same! I just pick up the phone to respond as I'm not much of a texter!

bowlds by bowlds 01 Mar 2011

I say YEA to the proper spellers....almost a lost art to spell things correctly.

by katydid 28 Feb 2011

Sweetie , so sorry, I can not spell s--- and I have not had a grammar course since 1961 , so I am rusty. and I have no idea how the translator thing works. If you can read between my lines and I can read between your lines, then we are good. Furthermore I don't type.!!! Kay

1 comment
lflanders by lflanders 01 Mar 2011

Hot dang! You said it all! I can type but I can't see so I make more and more mistakes as my eyes get worse. New glasses would help but it is going to take surgery to really help and it is too soon for the surgery. You do a good job typing even if you say you do no know how. You did a good job teaching yourself! Like someone else stated, it won't be long before the general population will not be able to spell because of sending messages by cell phones.I can not text.

by capoodle 28 Feb 2011

There are many times I post a question or answer and right as I push the enter button there is a grammar or misspelled error. It's too late to do over and since we are not perfect and in our hurry to post sometimes a part can be missing the right connotation or spelling. Continue to post and ignore the fact that some people have a hard time stopping themselves from correcting others when in deed they know what was being said.

by mariahail 28 Feb 2011

As the person with the mos horrible grammar in the world, I do no think that this is a place to correct something like that, we are here to have fun and not to be put down.I understand and share mary51's feelings.However I do not think that she did it with the idea of hurting...some people just like to show off.And Honey I see some people that are English speaking 100% and their spelling it's not the best.Lets all kiss and forget...Hugs.

by mariahail 28 Feb 2011

Que bueno que te diste cuenta, a mi tambien me molesto el comentario, que quizas fue hecho sin intencion pero que siempre es molesto.Despreocupate, Abrazos******

by maryanns66 28 Feb 2011

So sorry this happened to you. Don't let one person ruin your time here on Cute. Even though this is an English speaking forum, we have wonderful folks from all over the world and that's what makes this a special place. Don't worry about it and enjoy the ride! I talk and spell like a Texan, but I do try and that's all that matters. That we try to communicate with others the best we can. :-)

by shirlener88 28 Feb 2011

Marcie, please don't go - I do believe that they were just being humous and it came across wrong - when they pointed it out in the manner that they did.

This community does try to help anyone that is having trouble with writing something that isn't in their native language - or just having trouble saying what they want - and they are trying to let them know that we do understand what the intent is - in their question or comment. Please don't let this one event keep you away from the rest of us - that have truly come to love and adore you - in every manner that is you. Not a one of us is perfect at all times.

And you are right - this is an Embroidery Site - the postings in this section should be in reference to that - but that doesn't always happen, either.

by knitty46 28 Feb 2011

I agree we are not in school and for one thing not every body even type sentences correctly any more since there is cell phones and computers. We are in a short hand world now. Not all of us out there are English, there are other nationallities and they don't know the English Language. So Mary don't let them bother you. If they do email Ms V. or who ever has this site and bring it to their attention. Love you and Hugs Mary, knitty46 in New Mexico.

by mpo14011 28 Feb 2011

You should have thanked Ethan for correcting you.
This is an English speaking site. If your English is not perfect,and you obviously speak it, then you should want to improve it and be grateful to anyone that tries to help.
I read Ethan's comment and it seemed to me that this person meant no malice.
There are a lot of native English speaking people with lousy grammar and spelling. If I were them I would not be proud of it, and I would thank everyone who tried to correct me.
I am sure that all Cuties have at least finished Primary School, therefore their spelling should be up to par, so should their punctuation and capital letters in the right place.
Anyway there is always spell check. A red line shows underneath a word that has been misspelled.

mitzermarie by mitzermarie 28 Feb 2011

As an English teacher, I have to agree with your post. However, I do not think a public forum is the place to post a correction (unless for clarification) or a critique of another's grammar, but a gentle PM is different.

I actually feel sorry for the person who did write the comment because they are villianized now. That is a shame, when I am sure they didn't mean to be hurtful. If I had been the one to do that, I probably would never feel comfortable here again.

On a different note, correct grammar is a sign of intellegence and education, especially when the only measurement we have here is the written word.

crafter2243 by crafter2243 28 Feb 2011

I don't want to get into the right or wrong of correcting ones English. I for one did not grow up in a English speaking country and have not finished Primary School in that language. I learned the language by reading and my need to keep a conversation. Consequently I am making errors all the time and if this were a business site I would run my post through a spell check. I learned a lot by being corrected and have been often the subject of jokes and amusement by my children and friends but I do see the smiles and encouragements that come with that. Often I don't post because at that moment I am not sure about the spelling and truthfully I don't have time to run every response through a spellcheck first. Just a thought. With a little imagination I can figure out the persons meaning.

mary51 by mary51 01 Mar 2011

I going back to the point is this an ENGLISH speaking site ONLY, then everyone from France, Germany,DR, PR, venezuela etc) Middle East should be out, and only Engish speaking peole will be allowed to join?

lindalee757 by lindalee757 01 Mar 2011

WOW!!!!mpo14011-that is so uncalled for!!!Why on earth would you come back with a response full of so much venom?! I don't know if you realize how cruel that sounded but even if you are sooooo perfect-you still have no right to be so damn nasty- like others have said-this is an embroidery/crafters site NOT English 101-and where do you get off dissing those that don't speak the English language correctly-quite frankly I think those folks that aren't "English language speaking" do pretty darn good at it-gosh-the English language is said to be one of the hardest languages to learn because we have so many slangs, pronounciations and same spelling words with different meanings( & visa versa).

bevintex by bevintex 01 Mar 2011

mpo14011 is mean. I asked her a question at Christmas time about her site. She shot back and told me how stupid I was. I bet she doesn't remember but I do. I no longer had any desire to do any business with her.

bevgrift by bevgrift 01 Mar 2011

Getting a basic education in Africa,
is a wonderful privilege especially for girls.Not everyone is lucky enough to be able to write their own name.
We have 11 official languages in S.A.
So reading some selfish comments pains me.
Please be kind to every effort that anyone makes.
From Bev

lindalee757 by lindalee757 01 Mar 2011

omgosh bev-I wondered why the name and response seemed familiar-she is the same one that jumped on Lyn's business about the janome needles and a word she used that was "offensive" lol-

bevintex by bevintex 01 Mar 2011

The same one. LOL

lindalee757 by lindalee757 02 Mar 2011

oops-my bad bev-it was Lyn's original question but Alice was the one that got smacked lol-

by bowlds 28 Feb 2011

Don't let a rude person keep you from enjoying this site. Some people have no manners. Keep posting.

1 comment
suezz by suezz 28 Feb 2011

I agree with you.

by ramona 28 Feb 2011

Sorry this happened. I'm sure that person had no bad intentions towards you. I don't think what she said was meant to hurt. Besides, that was just one person and there are SOOO MANY GREAT CUTIES HERE, including YOU!

by nanabs 28 Feb 2011

Mary; So sorry about this and I hope you stay here. I'm born and raised in the US and my english isn't very good and spelling is awful. Don't let it cause you to leave here. *4U

by blueeyedblonde 28 Feb 2011

That was only one person! It's hard not to be insulted when someone corrects you so publicly. I have a friend who I used to correct occassionaly as she would use a word in a wrong way, but I only corrected her when it was just her and I and that way no one else heard.
Please stay with the cuties as they are a great bunch and certainly are great with all their help.

by memes 28 Feb 2011

hi so sorry someone did that i hope you won't hold it against all of us i am a new member. just forget it and enjoy all the nice folks here shoot wait till i post a lot talk about correcting lol
hope to chat soon
marsha in tennessee

airyfairy by airyfairy 01 Mar 2011

Welcome to the Cute family.

jrob by jrob 01 Mar 2011

Welcome! I'm glad you are here.;)

katydid by katydid 01 Mar 2011

Welcome, Memes. I am originally from Tennessee also. I am now a Georgia Peach. I hate that nickname. I was happy being a Tennessee hillbilly or is it hillbillie? He!,He!

lflanders by lflanders 01 Mar 2011

Kay, Tennessee is a hillbilly heaven! To me, it is the most beautiful state in the USA but we are all intitled to our own opinion. I miss being able to go there 3,4 and even 5 times a yr. I used to tell my son that when I died I wanted my ashes scattered over Seivere County Mountains when I died. Before I got so bad crippled and in so much pain all of the time, all we had to do was mention Tn and we would start packing the camper and head that way. My son loves it as much as I do and I met one of the best friends I have ever had in Pigeon Forge about 14 yrs ago. She has since moved back to her home in Ohio but we have kept in touch for all these years. Funny but I have seemed to find another wonderful friend that is from the very same area! I was born and raised most in Ga and I think the nickname for us has always been Ga' hicks... like from the sticks but Tn is the only other olace in the world I would rather be. If I can't be there, I will take Ga. I even think I would rather be called a hick than a peach....Maybe when I was younger, peach would have been better but that does not fit my image at all now! Hey, isn't hick and hillbilly about the same thing??

by sewfrenzie 28 Feb 2011

My first assumption when I see grammar errors are that it is language mis translations, as so many of the members on thi site come from different countries. (which is something I really like!) It doesn't look like they where looking for clarification do to mis translation, so it is uncalled for! I might ask what you meant if the sentence did not translate properly, but I would not point out grammer errors, as I agree, thats just rude! Please do not stop posting or asking questions do to someones inconsiderate rudeness. We all learn from questions asked by others. *4U and Hugs too!

by beatie58 28 Feb 2011

Mary, please do not let this stop you from posting! I am not good with the written word or spelling but still have a go. so chin up the family would so miss you! Sally

by noah 28 Feb 2011

Mary i to have been hurt AS most of us have my english is bad and my spelling worse as i learn this crazy pc stuff .just get up & try again its the getting up thats makes us strong .GOD BLESS carolyn

obaachan by obaachan 28 Feb 2011

Well atated, Carolyn.... I so agree !

obaachan by obaachan 28 Feb 2011

see... I totally spelled a word wrong !!!
Meant... stated not atated.... LOL...

by caroldann 28 Feb 2011

Mary, I understand that your feelings have been hurt but please don't stop posting because of one person. We all have made mistakes in our postings and that's ok, we know what the other is saying or what they mean. This is a fun site and we are all family here. Just ignore it and continue on. Carol

by kalinelson 28 Feb 2011

I find this site so friendly and helpful....what a shame someone had to be rude....please know that this rarely happens....may you continue to post and enjoy this site.....Gods blessings Janet

by obaachan 28 Feb 2011

Mary... I sent you a PM....

by leenova54 28 Feb 2011

Don't let them ruin your fun. There are people from so many countries and not everything ,translates the same and we all hit the wrong key on the computer now and then too. It's not a big deal as long as someone knows how to answer the question. Just relax and let it roll off your back, as in "water off a duck's back". *4U!

by beckybowman 28 Feb 2011

Mary I know your feelings are hurt and I don't blame you for being offended. But don't let one person rob you of your joy, fun, and friendships this site offers. Keep on posting!!!! *4U.

by blessed 28 Feb 2011

The best way to deal with this is ignore. Like I told my children it hurts more when you are ignored.

by cj2sew 28 Feb 2011

Don't even worry about it. Not everyone can be an English teacher. That's what I tell my husband when he corrects me. Take the advice of other cuties. Don't let it bother you. By the way I speak Alabama and every time I would call home (Northwest) my mama would start laughing because of the lingo I had picked up. She would just get so tickled she would ask me to repeat "YouAll" over and over.

1 comment
devon by devon 28 Feb 2011

love youall aunt says that all the time.

by mi30kaja 28 Feb 2011

I was smacked on the wrists (twice) very early in my postings. Lyn

by meganne 28 Feb 2011

Maybe the person thought she was helping you to make it easier for you the next time you needed to ask a question??????

It is very easy to misinterpret the 'written' word because we cannot hear the person saying it and without hearing the expression in a person's voice, words can have an entirely different meaning.

It is rare for anyone at Cute to be 'deliberately' hurtful to another Cutie, but misunderstanding are a part of life.

Why don't you write to her privately and sort this out before it gets out of hand and creates animosity in the family.

Hugs and roses, Meganne

by pldc 28 Feb 2011

I agree don't let it bother you! I am a english speaking french person & I speak way faster than I type & just like my english I sometimes miss letters or even words Or worse I can't think of the right word or even spell it right! hahaha......... This site is for friends & family & we are all that "CUTE FAMILY & CUTE FRIENDS"! Sew please don't worry about it! Just know that you are not alone! I'm glad that you are here! Loralye!

by mi30kaja 28 Feb 2011

Mary, Would it really matter if you put things around the wrong way or even spell wrong. Most people can get the idea of what you are saying. I have received answers in a different language and put them through a translator on the net to understand and ever when translated it isn't actually what you/they said.
I put in the word "brave" and translated into French it was something like courage. Push it to the back of your mind and let it go. Lyn

by lindalee757 28 Feb 2011

Funny thing about that Mary-I bet the person that corrected your English knew exactly what you meant and when you asked the question-it was correct-just the internet scrambled it LOL. I speak proper English(most of the time) but it doesn't always come out that way in type-
Don't let it bother you-did you get any help with your problem?? Hope so ~linda~

by devon 28 Feb 2011

Please don't stop. Sorry that it happened to you. Please stay with us. DeVon

by nhsmith55 28 Feb 2011

I'm sorry that happened to you, Mary. I think that person knew exactly what you meant, and you are right, it was rude to correct you. I'm a born and raised American and my grammer is not always the best (My spelling needs help, too! lol)

mary51 by mary51 28 Feb 2011

Thank you I know what you all mean. God bless you all

devon by devon 28 Feb 2011

I am with you I also need help sometimes with spelling.

by arisann 28 Feb 2011

I am VERY SORRY that happened to you. Please Don't be hurt, Just let it be on a ducks back......slide right on past you. The site is a blessing to us all and has wonderful cuties particpating. Please keep doing your thing, Who knows we might learn some of your lanquage.

by moyed 28 Feb 2011

Oh Mary I am so sorry you are offended. We all make mistakes with our language. Please Keep up with your posts and comments. hugs.

mariahail by mariahail 28 Feb 2011

If we'll going to speak texans, let me tell mop that her answer is just BS, I live in this Country but had never gone to school here. I have learned some by just paying partner don't worry about anything but embroidery....

bevintex by bevintex 28 Feb 2011

by mpo14011- it was Rickys answer, She will probably let you know that you were'nt paying attention
LOL Come on everyone lighten up!

mariahail by mariahail 01 Mar 2011

sorry, I mean Ricky...I know mop will not writte something like that...

mariahail by mariahail 01 Mar 2011

I speak spanish, spanglish and texmex****

by bevintex 28 Feb 2011

I have also had lessons in grammar , but i speak Texas and that is just the way it is. Don't let them get you down.

lindalee757 by lindalee757 28 Feb 2011

LOL-Bev-one of younger brothers has lived in Texas for ??? gosh...seems like forever and we pick at him whenever he comes home to visit because he sounds like he has lived there all his life-He says he speaks Texas-ya'll just don't know how to talk right (I live in WAAAAY upstate NY). ~linda~

mi30kaja by mi30kaja 28 Feb 2011

We Australians get into trouble with our Australian Slang. Some of it is way out, but other words are every day words to us and we assune others know what we are talking about. Lyn

sewfrenzie by sewfrenzie 28 Feb 2011

I would ask what the slang term or sentence meant if I did not understand. But a lot of the time if you read the rest of the post you can figure it out, lol! I look at it as a riddle to solve, lol!

maryanns66 by maryanns66 28 Feb 2011

Bevintex, I love it! I speak Texas, too!! Did you know that Texans spell how they talk? Even thought i transplanted to Florida, I still talk Texan. Amazing how it amuses and gets conversations started when I'm out and about.

bevintex by bevintex 28 Feb 2011

Small world, maryanns66 was born in the same town i live in and i'll bet in the past we may have even crossed paths. We have alot in common, she went to Florida, I went to Florida but came back to Texas, How cool is that!

maryanns66 by maryanns66 01 Mar 2011

Bevintex, If our paths crossed in the past...I sure hope they do again one day!! And yep, I think it's cool, too!! There are no plans in my immediate future for a visit to maybe you can come to Florida! Now that would be cool...even though it's already hot! LOL

bevintex by bevintex 01 Mar 2011

I'll think I'll get back there someday. Just not sure when