by joaniessw 20 Mar 2008

Lots of free designs here. Sorry I tried 4 or 5 times to add it to bookmarks and it would not?!?!?! Enjoy


by silver 21 Mar 2008

Telling people how great this site is They have exceeded their bandwidth at GeoCities for downloads for the month and the site is closed off for the moment. (Since the page is free you can only have so many downloads or so much traffic per month)I am sure access will be reinstated at the beginning of next month... I will be waiting!
A flower for you anyways!

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 21 Mar 2008

Thank you silver. I could not understand why it would not add. Yes, keep an eye out for they did have some wonderfull designs. wish I downloaded them all while there :P. I will have to be sharp at the beginning of Apr too. *4U

by shirlener88 20 Mar 2008

joinie, I think some of them - just will not go in, because they don't have a link added. So I am goint to try to add the link here. 4U - *4U, too!

shirlener88 by shirlener88 20 Mar 2008

It said that it was unavailable - don't know what that means - is this a yahoo group?

silver by silver 21 Mar 2008

It is Geocities...not the same as Yahoo Groups. The site/page is free so they limit how many visits or how many downloads you get per month (bandwidth). It will be reinstated next moth if the site owner does not buy an upgraded membership...

joaniessw by joaniessw 21 Mar 2008

Thank you for your try anyhow Shirlene. *4U

by dkjack 20 Mar 2008

I tried to add it for you joaniessw. Would not work for me either. :) Sorry I could not help. I'm sure there is someone on this site that can post it for you. :)