by bkd147 22 Mar 2008

what do you cut the balsa wood with to make it the size you need?


by joaniessw 23 Mar 2008

I used a rotary cutter and cutting mat underneath with a good straight edge (all olfa's).

by diannem 23 Mar 2008

Good Morning..I use my Rotary Cutter with mat underneath and straight edge held firm so as not to split the cut round a design for tree ornaments ect,. sharp curved nail scissors work well..cheers Dianne

by silver 23 Mar 2008

I am not sure what project you are working on but Balsa is very, very soft wood and using Xacto blades works very well. If you are not familiar with them they are small angled razor blades that have nice small cylindrical handles. They are readily available at most craft shops, where Balsa is used for making some models, to Wal-Mart stores here in the US. They are generally inexpensive. I prefer these name brand ones to the cheaper 'generic' ones that do not last as long and can be more dangerous to handle. Remember a sharp blade is far less dangerous to work with than a dull one! The blades are replaceable. Remember to use a cutting mat or stack of old newspapers beneath your work so you do not cut through the wood and damage the surface beneath.