by katrinasheffield 05 Mar 2011

A special friend of mine who is like a mother will be leaving on Wednesday to travel to Oklahoma to be treated for Cancer that is pretty much terminal. After 5 years they give her a 10 to 20 % survival rate. They expect her to only have 18 months at the most. In February we celebrated her 6th year of being breast cancer free, but unfortunately at the very end of the month we found out that she has been afflicted with a very rare form of cancer from the radiation she received to cure her from the breast cancer. She is traveling to Oklahoma to doctors that are familiar with this cancer because so few people have it that no one near us has any experience with it. So - I have been asked to make a signature quilt for her to take with her. My husband bought the material on his way home from work last night. I washed it and cut it and got it ironed to freezer paper by 2 am. Then this am I got it in to town and to the meeting where many people are that are going to sign it and to work where some of the people could sign it. I ran to the other side of town and bought the batting and now I'm starting to applique the squares on. Tomorrow at church the remainder of the squares will be signed and I'll get the final batch of squares back from North Carolina on Monday. The entire quilt has to be finished by Wednesday at noon. Its a daunting task and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed. Its only 60" square and its a pretty easy pattern, but I'm nervous because I've never actually finished any of my quilts. I've started about 7, but I've never finished a single one. With God on my side I know I can do this - especially for her.... Everyone is counting on me!! The thing I'm most nervous about is quilting it - I don't have a long arm - I don't have time to hand quilt (which is what I usually do), I don't know how to free motion (I guess I could learn really fast) and I don't have a walking foot... I guess my options are to learn how to free motion or to use my embroidery machine and to embroider on it. It is a tiny gingham print with breast cancer ribbons on the back with solid pink on the front with white pie shaped signature pieces on it....I'll post pictures once its together...


by lcoste 06 Mar 2011

what a wonderful thing you have taken on. As the pressure seems overwhelming, remember, you don't have to quilt the top. Make is easy on yourself and stitch in the ditch or you could embroider a very simple design in several places on the quilt just to hold everything in place. Prayers are with you

by ramona 06 Mar 2011

Have you asked the other church members if they have or know of someone who has a longarm and would be willing to quilt it for you. Or maybe you could get of the ladies at church together and do the tied method. I feel God will direct you and them to finish this project in time. Don't be afraid to ask for help especially with your time crunch. You'll find someone will be eager to help and glad you asked.

by elizabethak 06 Mar 2011

I know God will guide your hands and you finish. My prayers for your friend.
Cancer is such a SAD disease - so silently it creeps up on us. Gods blessings on your friend and on you for wanting to do this quilt for her.
Hugs Elizabeth

by jkdavis1996 06 Mar 2011

I KNOW you can do this. And I KNOW your friend is blessed and will be blessed by your love. Thank you for taking such a big initiative. It will be so very special to soooooo many people. See how the Lord can take one person's hurt and heal so many others...isn't He amazing? He is still in control and has already written your friend's story...He has not forgotten her, nor forsaken her. He is the author of her time...not the cancer...not the doctors...not medicine.

by airyfairy 06 Mar 2011

What a wonderful thing to do. My thoughts are with you at this time and please post a picture when you are finished your memory quilt. Hugs Sarah.

by pennifold 06 Mar 2011

May God be by your side as you tackle this task. I know what you are going through.

I, like SHAZELLS, would also do stitch in the ditch, mainly because I think it would be a faster method. It holds the seams down and of course would be quicker than threading your floss thread to tie each square down - unless you are a very fast hand sewer.

Good luck with all of it and I'll keep your friend in my prayers.

Love and blessings Chris

by kttyhwk4 06 Mar 2011

Think your best option would be to tie this quilt. I've made several quilts that I've tied and I know that the first one is still in use after twenty two years and still going strong. I see that someone left you information on how to do also...
BTW...will be praying for your friend.
Hugs, Karen

by capoodle 05 Mar 2011

Prayers for you friend and blessings that you will finish this memory quilt in time. After you finish this special project you will be able to complete the rest of your unfinished objects.

by kkcogle 05 Mar 2011

found this that might be useful. This would REALLY speed things up for you....

katrinasheffield by katrinasheffield 05 Mar 2011

Wow - I'm a rock! I read the instructions and totally didn't get them. If I can see it, I can usually figure it out - so I went to you tube. Got it in a half a second and realized that I've tied a quilt for my daughter. She had a down white blanket and a light tinkerbell blanket and I handtied the two of them together!! Yippee - I've done this before. Thanks so much for the encouragement and the idea. Its not a very big quilt - so unless I am short(er) on time I think I'm going to try to embroider it together with redwork crosses..... maybe... I have to see how tomorrow goes. It had to go better than today because my computers are cooperating today! However - this page did teach me how to bind my quilt in a way much that would save me a lot of time!!

kkcogle by kkcogle 06 Mar 2011

good luck...keep everyone posted!

by meganne 05 Mar 2011

My prayers go out to your friend in her battle with that most insidious disease.

You don't need any prayers Katrina, God is working there with you, beside you and through you, between the two of you and all the love you have for your friend, you will succeed.

Sending an Angle to watch over your friend.
hugs and blessings,

by shazells 05 Mar 2011

My Prayers are with you if you need to finish it quicker and you are doing blocks etc stitch in the ditch works well and looks effective Hugs Shazells***

by shirlener88 05 Mar 2011

I will be praying for your friend, her doctors and the staff - along with you and all those that will be assisting you to get this quilt made for the woman that you all love.

by gerryvb 05 Mar 2011

prayers for your friend, and for you.I know you can do it and finish this quilt,hugs for you and God bless.

by kathyjt 05 Mar 2011

Will pray for her.

by melita 05 Mar 2011

You can do it. I will be praying too.

by jacquipaul 05 Mar 2011

I will pray for your friend, her family, and you and your family. With God, all things are possible. I have faith that you can complete this task. Perhaps an embroidery/quilting store could help with lending you a quilting machine to use at their shop, or by helping with the quilting.
My prayers and thoughts are with you. Miracles do happen.
God Bless you all.

by ddouville 05 Mar 2011

So sorry for the reason for the quilt, but bless you for doing it. Have you tried "tying"? It is done with a very large sewing needle and embroidery floss or yarn. Some say it isn't a quilt but a comforter when done. I prefer tying as they aren't flattened as with the quilting. This is another option to look at. Prayers are with you and your friend. Debbie

1 comment
kkcogle by kkcogle 05 Mar 2011

that is exactly what I was going to will be WAY quicker to finish for you....and you could make it more colorful by using different colored embroidery floss to "tie" it with! You will get this done... :)

by noah 05 Mar 2011

kat,there are a lot of free quilting designs on these site i have done many quilts & people say it is now reverseable as they like the quilting from hearts to almost anthing in i call black & white ,but people now call it redwork or blue work .Then all you got to do is hoop is fast and lovely .If you never put a binding on go to a site for that it to is easy !!may God be with you.Oh i wished i lived near you !!carolyn

by bevgrift 05 Mar 2011

My prayers for your friend.
You are very kind to be doing this rush quilt.
My best wishes Bev

by beatie58 05 Mar 2011

I am sure you will be able to finish this one, and your friend will treasure. Hugs Sally

by shilly 05 Mar 2011

Good luck with the rest of the quilt; sounds like you have a really good start and just need a little encouragement to finish. One step at a time, as they say-such a worthwhile and generous thing to do. Prayers and hugs for you both.

by basketkase 05 Mar 2011

I can hear the determination in you will do this project in time and it will give peace of mind to all involved....God Bless you & your friend.

by piebaldbully 05 Mar 2011

I pray this lady friend hangs in there as long as possible... Prayers and hugs being send yto both of you.. wendi

by devon 05 Mar 2011

All my prayers will be with this family!! You will finish and it will be great.