by crazykat323 08 Mar 2011

Hello All! Can someone please tell me if the E from the bunny font was already posted? If so, how do I go about getting it as its the only one I think I missed other than those not posted. Thanks


by rmj8939 09 Mar 2011

You have your answers and remind us and I will vote. Ruthie

by spendlove Moderator 09 Mar 2011

If you pay a subscription to the site, jou can download anything at any time. It is great value for money and you won't miss a single design!

by rwalden 08 Mar 2011

Keep reminding us to vote. I'll be glad to help.

by nanabs 08 Mar 2011

I just voted for the E for you since it has already been posted. remind us to vote for it after the Z comes up and I'll be happy to vote again if I can. *4U I'm sure others will vote also..

by ramona 08 Mar 2011

Yes, already posted as they go in order but you can request votes. When the Z comes up request that the Cuties vote for your bunny E and maybe you'll win the vote. Good luck!! If you don't get the vote, then you can still purchase the E. So hope is not all lost in getting your complete set. Be sure to remind us!

by bandit2190 08 Mar 2011

Just keep voting for it.