by joaniessw 24 Mar 2008

Talking earlier of sites wantin you to join their Yahoo group and clogging your e-mail box. I joined "embchatnfreebies". Nice freebies, but not worth the amt of junk mail. 3 tries to unsubscribe


by ruthie 24 Mar 2008

Yes, unfortunately some of them do this and they are a real pain. Hugs and a flower sweetie.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 25 Mar 2008

I am still off :) * back @ ya

by freida 24 Mar 2008

I belong to this group too. Just set my preference to digest and read them when I can. If you wish to unsubscribe you go to membership page for that group and click on unsubscribe button on the bottom right hand corner and Yahoo will remove you. No problem.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 25 Mar 2008

I am still off :) * back @ ya

by tmbache 24 Mar 2008

That's strange!!! Guess they just like you way to much. Hope you got your freebies at least. Warm hugs and spring tulips for your frustration.

1 comment
joaniessw by joaniessw 25 Mar 2008

I am still off :) * back @ ya